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Re: Make-up free celebrities

@Mz iMac wrote:

Kim Kardashian w/o makeup during a psoriasis breakout....



I do think this is less make-up than the other lady.  And I think she has tatoo lip liner, which Megan probably has too, which I guess is less makeup.  Didn't think about that when I posted.  I do think Kim has some mascara in her upper lashes because her barely visible eyelashes are clumped.  My mascara free eyelashes do not clump, they look like her lower lashes.  

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

Interesting topic. I do think that they consider "foundation free" to be makeup free. So, it could be the ladies are not wesring  foundation. 

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

@NYCLatinaMe   ITA. They also seem to have on tinted moisturizer or a skin tint to even their complexions. 


False for sure.

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

[ Edited ]

There is also permenant makeup like microblading for brows, tatoo makeup for lips and lash extensions, so you can wake up looking like you have makeup. 


Keep in mind that celebrities have the finest facialists at high costs for peels, lasers, etc. to keep their complexions looking clear and perfected.

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

@SportyShorty07 - Off topic, but Bridesmaids is one of the best movies ever!!! 😆
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Re: Make-up free celebrities

@Natureluvr wrote:
@SportyShorty07- Off topic, but Bridesmaids is one of the best movies ever!!! 😆

@Natureluvr  I completely agree Smiley Very Happy. It is such a funny movie- I laughed so hard when I saw Bridesmaids and still think of some of those scenes and laugh! My favorite scene is the mental break down giant cookie scene Smiley LOL. So great! 

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

[ Edited ]



Alicia Keys without make up


The Secret to Alicia Keys' No-Makeup Makeup at the 2019 Grammys | Glamour

edited to remove link

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

The one celebrity who seems to go mostly makeup free is Pam Anderson. 

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

Neither of those ladies are makeup free.  Don't know who the first person is and would not have recognized Kim K for sure.  The pic of Alicia Keys though does look makeup free, at least more so than the other two.

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Re: Make-up free celebrities

@Msgdfx wrote:

Interesting topic. I do think that they consider "foundation free" to be makeup free. So, it could be the ladies are not wesring  foundation. 


I just don't think anyone's skin is that even.  They may be wearing concealer and tinted moisturizer, which to me is make-up.