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Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

/></p> <p> </p> <p>She looks like a completely different person to me. The picture on the right WAS taken 15 years ago, but IMO she has lost the uniquely beautiful look she once had. </p>

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

Everyone ages. Even in Hollywood.

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

She just looks older, that's all.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

She must have had an eye job, unless losing weight can take away hooded eyes. I think she's still pretty.

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

She had a botched surgery. She looks better than she did. It's too bad she's had so much work done. Now she is unrecognizable. Maybe that is the way she wanted it. She could go out in public and live a normal life. No one would know who she is.
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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

I would love to know what she has done.....definitely something. She actually still looks pretty to me, although COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

On 10/21/2014 santorini said:

She must have had an eye job, unless losing weight can take away hooded eyes. I think she's still pretty.

This is after she had some work done on her eyes, and she has lost weight. I understand she's older, but she has always had the most beautiful eyes. I wish somehow they could have kept that look for her - maybe it wasn't possible.

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

Now she looks like all the other celebrity gals. Too bad, I liked her original look.

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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

They are both very pretty,but, she looks totally different in the after.. I liked the way her eyes looked in the before when she smiled...she really changed from having thin lips to fish lips. I would not recognize her if I saw the after with no comparison. Surprised she did not thin out her nose? That is usually the first thing people change. Seems she left it alone.
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Re: Look at Renee Zellweger - What do you think?

She has lost the, Rene look.