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Haha. Josie does tell the exact same story abt the 70 year old who looked 40 and the grand him of the one green tree that takes 40 years to mature. Arian is great but she's not the only person to use it. I love enjoy her enthusiasm but not her scripted speeches. 

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Wow! Some of you should really have started a brand then! Must feel weird to be so bitter.

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@IcedTeaNoLemon wrote:

Wow! Some of you should really have started a brand then! Must feel weird to be so bitter.

She didn't start the brand. Argon oil was around before she brought her product to QVC. Her story about the 70 year old woman looking 40 is so NOT TRUE.

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@italia8140 wrote:

@IcedTeaNoLemon wrote:

Wow! Some of you should really have started a brand then! Must feel weird to be so bitter.

She didn't start the brand. Argon oil was around before she brought her product to QVC. Her story about the 70 year old woman looking 40 is so NOT TRUE.

While Argon oil was around Her brand wasn't and it was started by her!!!!  How do you know the story is so not true???

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It's a namesake brand so yes, she did start it.

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I might get weary of the tired story of how Josie first came to experience argan oil, but her enthusiasm is nice.  Not all hosts and vendors are good teams. Ultimately they all have different personalities, strengths, and quirks.  In response to some other posters here, I do not believe she has ever once claimed she invented argan oil,  she just started a company that brought it to a more mass audience.  Some people are making implied claims here saying the opposite. I, for one, support this line and glad that JM introduced me to this oil.  It has helped  to balance out my skin and keep me moisturized throughout the New England winters.  

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@LoriLori wrote:

I think owners like Josie should be treated differently than paid spokespeople.  Years ago no one interrupted Cristina Carlino, she was treated as the expert on her own products (like her or not, and I know many don't).  Josie is not some shill.  I realize Carolyn also has a job to do but she should back off somewhat.  All of the vendors above have in common that their name is on the company.  JMO.

Interesting take on the difference between a spokesperson and the owner.


I agree that the owner should be given more freedom to promote their own product!



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@MommaNJ wrote:

Haha. Josie does tell the exact same story abt the 70 year old who looked 40 and the grand him of the one green tree that takes 40 years to mature. Arian is great but she's not the only person to use it. I love enjoy her enthusiasm but not her scripted speeches. 

The first time I ever heard of argan oil was on HSN with Adrienne.


And I know that was BEFORE Josie Maran was around.  Adrienne had photos of the tree and exotic bottles!  I think Josie's may be more pure, but she wasn't first!



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@mimi5775 wrote:

@Perkup wrote:

I use the remote to silence her the moment I see her on the screen. If I had to listen to that made up sing song about the beautiful 70 year old women who looked like 40 (when pigs fly) I think I would throw a shoe through the screen.  I had Argan Oil in my bathroom cabinet for years before she found the old lady!  

@Perkup I know...I've seen Argan oil at Whole Foods before it was named Whole Foods lol.


A big thank you for the delightful flying pig.  Merry Christmas!!

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@pupwhipped wrote:

I watched about the last twenty plus minutes of that show and those two just didn't seem to be a good fit. Haven't you met people in your own life where it seems like they're on one beat and you're on another? That's how it seemed with Carolyn and Josie last night. There was a lot of stepping on toes (lines) and neither one could get out or finish what they were saying. I found it odd as Carolyn is usually very good with vendors.  

I would have felt that way too except that I heard Josie coughing so badly she had to leave set for a few minutes. She was really sick.  I wondered if she were  febrile. 

Carolyn is so good with pampered celebrities.  She managed to keep the presentation on track and never expressed disdain for the vendor.  Brava to both !