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A couple of weeks ago, someone posted a picture of, I think, Andie McDowell, with "jewels" under her eyes.  Lots of comments on that look.  I kind of let it go and forgot about it until just the other day.   Was on my way home from work, walking out of the BART system (thats the subway in the Bay Area) and lo and behold there was a young girl with the exact same look - she was in her teens and obviously on a date. I thought OMG  it truly is a look that women are wearing not just some Hollywood movie star doing something off the wall or for shock value.  I so badly wanted to ask her how it felt to have those jewels under eyes and can she see/feel them very much.  But I didn't of course.  


Anyway, was just thinking about that and about the post of last week about beauty mistakes of our youth and thought, wonder when that young woman gets to be my age, is she going to remember wearing that look?  LOL  I say go for it when you're young but ouch, to taking them off!

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I think it is more of an editorial look. Possibly okay for a teen or very early 20 something for a festival, concert or rave ...or circus!

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What you wear and how you present yourself tells people what you want them to know about you.

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LOL.  Are you going to give it a try?  Like I mentioned in that post, it was most likely a look that copies a recent movie look and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the movie but maybe I mentioned it in that post.  The makeup and costumes are incredibly beautiful!  I'm trying to find the movie.  The makeup artist was on Trendmood a few weeks ago.

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@monicakm wrote:



LOL.  Are you going to give it a try?  Like I mentioned in that post, it was most likely a look that copies a recent movie look and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the movie but maybe I mentioned it in that post.  The makeup and costumes are incredibly beautiful!  I'm trying to find the movie.  The makeup artist was on Trendmood a few weeks ago.

@monicakm - no think I'll pass on this trend.  HAHA  

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Name of the HBO series is "Euphoria".  

Doniella Davy is the makeup artist.

We don't  have HBO so I've never seen the series, only looks on Instagram

Euphoria" Makeup Artist on Her Highschool Makeup | Sunday Edit

How to Do Euphoria Makeup for Halloween 2021 | Glamour

This is Doniella

Who What Wear Podcast: Doniella Davy | Who What Wear


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@monicakm - oh my

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Here you go @JudyL  !


Photo credit: Marc Piasecki - Getty Images

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With all due respect to you:


I would think putting that nonsense above the eye is dangerous to the eye and…it’s just awful.


Now, if all these women had decided to pound nails into those same places, maybe I could go for it.


At least I would be entertained.

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Re: Jewels around the eyes

[ Edited ]

I wouldnt wear those "big ole jewels" under my eyes, but I have to confess, I have numerous  glitglue, glitter, & glitter glue sticks, that I tend to *slightly* dot over my face/hair, maybe shoulders.. on some occasions..whereever I want their eyes drawn.

..  Is kinda impish, but distracts a person who is talking to ya. 

.. The secret is don't overdo it...otherwise, it looks clown-ish.  Only takes maybe 5 or so, strategically placed *pieces* of glitter..


(added:  IMHO.. Andie McDowell's issue seems to be that she placed the "eye catching jewels" on the most "aged" part of her face, her eyes, esp when smiling widely...

.....vs draw attention to the most attractive of her features, and she does indeed have several much more attractive choices ..)..



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How we deal with, ..or express those feelings .. is our choice
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