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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

My op was a little confusing. I used to watch isomers all the time. I bought some products because she was so convincing being a a scientist etc. She used to have a big picture of herself that was taken years ago to show that she had not aged much. After my last purchase I quit watching. She does not look the same not older just different.
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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

I think the hair- longer, bangless, and wearing eye-make-up that is actually visible is mainly the difference. Also the neckline shifts your focus but her skin in close-ups looks the same to me.

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

I just watched a bit of a show.

I don't know what I saw this morning, but tonite she looks just the same as she always has. She looks tired again. Maybe this morning she just looked more rested or something.

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

I watch her all the time and I think she looks the same but who knows. I do use some of her products along with Skinn and my skin looks healthier, firmer just overall better. I do get confused now because they have so many products.

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

On 12/5/2014 GLAMOROUS said: I agree..... It's called cosemetics surgery.... Look at her forehead and cheeks vomer tight sand finer from her last appearance on ShopHQ with her TTV. I've noticed several of the hosts on ShopHQ look different....

Cosmetic surgery these days is amazing. It's so extreme, Drs. can actually make you look like a DIFFERENT person. Renee Zellweger (sp?) is a good example. One day I was watching ShopHQ and didn't recognize .. was it Wendi Russo? I thought she was a new host. Maybe it was a different person. I still have no clue who I was look at. {}

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

Yikes! I just watched the TTV video. Yep, she (Manuela) looks different alright. I certainly would NOT have recognized her. However, I must say, for those in the beauty biz, enhancing your looks is understandable. Same with movie stars. Why not!!!

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

She has let her hair grow out and was wearing makeup for a change. She looked very nice.

She usually looks to me like she isn't wearing any makeup.

Other than that, she looks the same to me. I usually see her most times she is on. I didn't have any trouble recognizing her or anything.

JMO anyway.

Posts: 72
Registered: ‎01-27-2014

Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

I'm so confused. What exactly do you think she's had done? Yes, she looks good, but not "I've had plastic surgery" good. Her neck is not smooth enough to have had a neck lift. Her forehead and eyes still wrinkle when she makes expressions. Her mouth area moves normally and her nasal labial folds show when she moves her mouth. Her eye area is also not smooth enough, and too hooded, to have had a lid lift. Her brows are too low to have had a brow or forehead lift. I think she's beautiful. She is aging, but aging very well. Her skin IS changing, just not significantly. Fillers (not botox) are the only thing she could possibly have done, and I even doubt that.

Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

My opinion is that she has lost some weight, hair is longer (and not oily) and the V neck top I saw her in was very flattering and she could have had a nip or tuck also! I thought she looked great when I saw her earlier today. Looking good Manuella!

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Re: Isomers Manuella looks so different...

On 12/5/2014 fromallover said:

I'm so confused. What exactly do you think she's had done? Yes, she looks good, but not "I've had plastic surgery" good. Her neck is not smooth enough to have had a neck lift. Her forehead and eyes still wrinkle when she makes expressions. Her mouth area moves normally and her nasal labial folds show when she moves her mouth. Her eye area is also not smooth enough, and too hooded, to have had a lid lift. Her brows are too low to have had a brow or forehead lift. I think she's beautiful. She is aging, but aging very well. Her skin IS changing, just not significantly. Fillers (not botox) are the only thing she could possibly have done, and I even doubt that.

Agreed. Soooo many people around here jump to the conclusion that a vendor or host has had work done. Manuela has always taken fabulous care of her skin. This time around, though, it is pretty obvious that she has dropped about ten pounds or more as compared to the last time I saw her on air. Losing weight generally means eating better, and that also translates into a benefit for the skin. You eat cleaner, purer, foods, and it helps out even already good skin.