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On Isomer's website they have Where to Buy.  China is a listing, leads to website-  Saint Angel.  I called Isomers, asked about Cruelty Free/selling in China.  Francesca said they do not sell in China. 'They ship their already packaged items to "their" agents in China, which place on their website for customers to place orders.'  


She said the items are already package- China doesn't open them, ( really?) so no animal testing is done. This doesn't offer clear info whether China tests.  


The agents are in China, these products are coming into China, so China would test.



??? still


HeartCat Very HappyHeart




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I asked Susie of 100% Pure about this issue and she explained to me that if you sell at retail in China (as in brick and mortar), then animal testing is required but if you sell online, only it is not.

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Hi, thanks..  yes, If customers in China purchase directly from a company outside of China, , and it's shipped directly to them, it's ok, but if the product comes into China to a company/people who then resell, and they stock the items, then sell from websites in China, is the problem.


 Isomer's sells and ships to "agents" in China, then those companies/people sell from their website; Saint Angels,  is listed on Isomer's webpage.  


It was unclear about the testing once the product came into China to their 'agents', because the items weren't shipping directly to a consumer who ordered from Isomer's online, but to Isomer's 'agent' who then sells their product. 


I would think China would know what is being brought into their country to be stocked for resale.


So thats the problem; the product is still coming into China to be stocked, then sold.


I always find it suspicious when there is confusion at the company as to their policy.  They said their packages are shipped completely boxed and sealed, and due to that, China wouldn't be able to open them.   

That doesn't make sense and is an odd answer, China can open what they want.


As I said, I find there may be something amiss when a company cannot outright say ; we do this, have these documents, 


With all that China demands, I can't see they wouldn't test on products coming into their country to be stocked and sold.  


HeartCat Very HappyHeart


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Interesting. So, China doesn't require animal testing on beauty items made in their country by domestic or foreign entities; doesn't require animal testing on items made in the their country and shipped out; buy does require testing on imports? Sounds like their own special brand of tariff to me and encouragement for foreign companies to manufacture w/n China. What is the bottom line of your post. Isomers is lying? So, what is your solution here? Boycott Isomers? Boycott any company that sells in China, no matter the method of sale (online or in stores)? Boycott any beauty products affiliated with China in any manner, whether being exported to the US from China; or being imported into China?
Do the math.
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Re: Isomers CHINA?

[ Edited ]



Please don't put words in my mouth.  I never said boycott, nor has anyone said that from what I've read in inquiring about brands. I'm not telling anyone, and I've never seen any posters here ever telling anyone such a thing.


I think people would just like to know, for themselves,  who's CF so they can navigate which brands to choose for their care. 


I would love to continue using Isomers, I just need more clarification on what they mean by 'agents', and to speak with someone at Isomers who can do that.

 And figure out if they have some type of policy that China does not test on what they ship to China/ or their 'agents'.


Francesca was forthcoming, there were just a few unclear/confusing areas to garner more info. 


It's not only Isomers, I'm trying to gather as many compamies as I can to pick and choose items of theirs that I want to use.


HeartCat Very HappyHeart 

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I put no words in your mouth. I did ask you questions on topic. It is of concern to me as Isomers is one of the companies I patronize.
Do the math.
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Isn't it amazing that there's always a way to get around just about rule or regulation when it comes to making a buck.