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Information on skincare and wearing a mask

I found this helpful. Thought I would share:


Acne caused by facemasks, referred to as acne mechanica, is a result of blocked pores from heat, friction, and pressure on the skin. Here are 5 tips to help prevent breakouts from masks.


😷 Maintain a Gentle Skincare Routine: The first step to acne prevention is establishing a consistent skincare regimen tailored to your skin type. More specific to mask-wearing, your routine should include a gentle cleanser, a hydration product, and a repairing ointment for high-friction areas.


😷 Avoid Makeup: Wearing colored cosmetics can accelerate the pore clogging process when the skin lacks airflow.


😷 Wash Your Mask: For those who wear cotton or fabric masks, washing after each use is recommended. If the mask is left dirty, it will increase bacteria growth on the skin.


😷 Wear Cotton Masks: Essential employees, or the general public who may choose the type of face covering worn, should opt for 100% cotton masks. Cotton masks are more breathable than synthetic or medical-grade masks.


😷 Acne Treatments: If acne persists, treatments are the best option. Topical acne medications containing salicylic acid, for example, exfoliate the skin and aid in the unclogging of pores

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

I appreciate you sharing it @SeaMaiden , many ladies will like your post!

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

[ Edited ]

I was beginning to think that I was the only one with this recent problem. I never wear make up, always wash my masks, and use only cotton.  For me, the issue is 1. the heat and 2. my contact allergies to almost everything. It turns out that I never have used soap on my face. Of course, my many masks are washed every time I wear them.  it seems I must rinse, and rinse, and rinse to eliminate the effects of even the most gentle soap.  I tried bar soap for sensitive skin and tried my regular fragrance free laundry detergent for sensitive skin.  Both cause a reaction.  My dermatologist has no suggestions and said I just will have to treat the resulting breakouts. 

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

@KailaS  You might try washing the masks in just a little baking soda. I use it in the dogs blankets and my towels. It cleans well.

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

I’ve worked in dental offices for a very long time. I wore surgical masks for years. We had to purchase the ones marked “sensitive”, always had a white lining. My face would break out and itch terribly otherwise. My employer said level one masks are readily available at about 50 cents a piece. Good luck!
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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

@SeaMaiden   I addressed all these points regarding skincare and masks in another recent thread here.

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

I don't get acne.  Just before the COVID 19 exploded, I was at my doctor's office because I was sick (Bronchitis).  When I walked in the office, I grabbed a mask.  I had to use this mask several times because I did not have anything else and honestly did not think about a scarf.  I had no problems.  However, it was nice of you to post this for women that suffer from acne.

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Re: Information on skincare and wearing a mask

Thanks for these tips!  It is appreciated!

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