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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

@Adelina wrote:

@HappyDaze wrote:

@June2 wrote:


Many companies have their products packaged in China, not MADE in China.  I know Skinn cosmetics does this.  

According to the FDA regulations about Country labeling, the company of origin is the place where the majority of the product is from. So stating simply  Made in China is NOT just the packaging but the actual product. If a company states otherwise, they are being disingenuous. Some companies will delineate the two and will say "packaging made in [], product made in []". I appreciate this type of labeling as it makes it more clear to everyone what is made where.


I really wish people would read the FDA regulations about the labeling so they can understand the labeling process better because there is alot of misinformation passed along about this. So if the OP wants to avoid PRODUCTS made in China, stating that a Made in China label simply means the packaging is made in China is misleading.


@HappyDaze, I think the OP was referring to what is stated on the Q website and not on the actual packaging. I recently received a product from IT and it has the leaping bunny stamp and say Made in the USA. I also checked the bronzer I bought last year - same thing.

Okay but the OP had mentioned the products say "Made in China"  or "imported" when she went and checked (see post #8 if you are viewing the newest post first) so I assumed she meant she checked the products she owns?

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

If the product says "MADE IN CHINA", then it stands to reason that it was all made in China.  I am leery of something they say is "imported".  Probably it was made in China, also.  Its not just the animal testing thing.  If you recall, China had some baby formula for their own children that had some obnoxious stuff init.  There has also been a problem with dog food and dog chews made in China that was fatal or sickening some of our dogs.  My issue is this:  If the Chinese don't care what they put in THEIR baby formuls, why would they care what happens to make it into OUR cosmetics?  They really have nothing to lose.  By not putting country of origin on products, and saying that its "imported"  tells me that QVC doesn't want to say most of their products are manufactured in China.

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

@esther22 wrote:

If the product says "MADE IN CHINA", then it stands to reason that it was all made in China.  I am leery of something they say is "imported".  Probably it was made in China, also.  Its not just the animal testing thing.  If you recall, China had some baby formula for their own children that had some obnoxious stuff init.  There has also been a problem with dog food and dog chews made in China that was fatal or sickening some of our dogs.  My issue is this:  If the Chinese don't care what they put in THEIR baby formuls, why would they care what happens to make it into OUR cosmetics?  They really have nothing to lose.  By not putting country of origin on products, and saying that its "imported"  tells me that QVC doesn't want to say most of their products are manufactured in China.

And don't forget all the Made in China dolls and other toys they are still pulling from the shelves due to high contaimanents in them! I just heard another report about this on the radio a few weeks ago. Sheesh I thought that was all taken care of several years ago!

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

Well, I am not going to argue this to death, but I checked the Q website and it says  Made in China for a number of items - items that I have in my possession and not very old (2-3 months), and on the actual packaging it does not say made in China. Only the brushes that came with the product say that.


"Imported" for US products almost always mean Canada. Canada manufactures a high percentage of products - many of Mally's for example.


Finally, not everything made in China is toxic and referring to what has occurred with other items that were recalled etc to taint everything made in China creates IMO unnecessary alarm.

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

@Adelina wrote:

Well, I am not going to argue this to death, but I checked the Q website and it says  Made in China for a number of items - items that I have in my possession and not very old (2-3 months), and on the actual packaging it does not say made in China. Only the brushes that came with the product say that.


"Imported" for US products almost always mean Canada. Canada manufactures a high percentage of products - many of Mally's for example.


Finally, not everything made in China is toxic and referring to what has occurred with other items that were recalled etc to taint everything made in China creates IMO unnecessary alarm.

I agree with you on this and my comment was hopefully not taken that way, just pointing out a recent issue toy issue that I thought was already resolved.


I try as best as I can to purchase "Made in the USA" products because I want to support our American workers but there are many other countries I don't mind purchasing products from.  I also do not buy produce from certain countries but that is because I know the regulations for using pesticides and herbicides are different in those countries and not as "safe" as other countres.  I know I have some Made in china beauty products but I'd like to eventually try to avoid them altogether, mainly for political/human rights reasons. But that is another story for another


And that is all I gotta say about it all. Smiley Happy I really don't like getting into a huge discussion about this but did want to clarify certain misinformation that is being passed along on a pretty regular basis around these parts, lol.

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

I will not purchase any cosmetics that just say imported. Most of my cosmetics are either made in France, Italy, or USA. 

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

I see this thread has been busy.  My particular concern is not so much animal testing, rather the terrible track record China has with toxins in products, not to mention the other scandals regarding consumer goods.  The "made in China" information was from the this site, obtained while checking the product description. 

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

I was about to dump this entire line but checked my CC cream and it says made in Korea.   I won't purchase any skin care or cosmetic made in China though, simply to risky that it could be tainted.

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

Once I discovered that so many cosmetics were made in China, I started checking any and all make up I buy. I was amazed at how much is made there. It's not just the cheapest drug store stuff either. This is a real case of buyer beware.

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Re: IT cosmetics - made in China?

Gee, now you all have me wondering too. I use to use mostly Laura Geller makeup and was happy with it all but then I changed to mostly IT products which I love. But if the products themselves are actually made in China that is a game changer for me. I'm sorry but with all the bad things they have been putting in paints for toys and worse things in pet foods how can we even trust that country to be good to us in our makeup which we apply to our face?? Yikes. Having the packaging is bad enough but if the actually cosmetic product is made there NO more for me.


Does anyone know of any truly Amercian made makeup brands???? Are there even any left to be found?