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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

I only wear eye shadow once in a while and it's a quick swipe on the upper lid and sometimes under the lower lashes.  Right now I am only wearing my tinted moisturizer and blush.  I have an eye infection (Stye in the right eye).  Two weeks ago I had a Stye in the left eye.  Both are upper and your eye is nearly closed (quite unattractive and it takes between 5 to 7 days to clear up).

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

I still like eyeshadow.  I've been using Mally's nude color shadow stick all over the eye up to the brow as a primer but it also takes the place of an under-the-brow shadow.  Then I use a color on the lid and under the eye - a heather, brown, or rose shade.  Then liner and mascara.  

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Absolutely not!   Shadow helps to define my eyes and makes them stand out.  I use a brick color and deep purple.  Perricone has an eye product that really does help with the issue you mention.

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

I just bought a UD shadow in Naked Heat . I am 66 and although do not wear for every day to run to the store or dog park, but I do use when doing a full make up. What I avoid and dislike is anything glitterly. I am lucky as do not have a hooded eye yet. Eyeshadow completes my look. I still enjoy playing with colors.

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Yup.  Don't wear it.

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Count me in!  I stopped using eye shadow when I had my last eye surgery a year ago.  Just never got back into it.  I have hooded eyes and dark eye lids, it's like having built in eye shadow I guess.  I always dot a little foundation on them to tone it down or I look even more tired than I am.  I still wear foundation, powder, and blush.  Just nothing for the eyes any more, though I have some gorgeous eye palettes that I might dip into for special occasions.  

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Eye shadow on anyone 60 plus looks terrible anyway. I just put a bit of light concealer on my eyelids. That is it. 


@SeaMaiden I know a lot of women 60-85ish who still wear eyeshadow...and look spectacular! I am just choosing to forgo it at 64, because it can't be seen much at all on my eyes anymore. Add in small eyes and glasses, and FOR ME there's just no point. I've always loved applying makeup, and still use liner, mascara, foundation, blush and lipcolor.

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Fancy Pancy, my eyelids are like yours,  oily, plus I live in the deep South, so the humidity doesn't help much. There was never a primer that worked for me UNTIL Bobbi Brown's sheer finish powder, (you can buy it pressed powder or loose powder) I use that on my eyelids as my primer and everything stays put, no oily look, no creasing of eyeshadows! Whoo hoo!

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Nope.  I wear it, and NEED it to make my eyes pop.  Well, really to make my eyes visible! LOL


I have a lot of darkness around my eyes, and the first thing I do is lighten it with concealer, foundation, or primer.  Then I add some color.  I use shades of purple, pink, and green to accentuate the color in my dark hazel eyes, or shades of blue, aqua, and pink because it brightens my face.  I also use a neutral brightening shade under the brows and a complimentary pencil.  I rarely wear mascara, though.  It's too tough on my lashes.  


The colors I use are bright and deep in the pan, but I use a light hand, and nothing is garish.  

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Re: I think I've given up eyeshadow...anyone else?

Thanks, I’m gonna give that a try.