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Re: I have saved so much money!

I have saved alot of money too over the months lately, including money for car gas, not buying any clothes at all, not eating out.  I have been able to help out a family member with some extra money last week. The only positives about this virus.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: I have saved so much money!

We're pretty much home bodies before the pandemic and didn't eat out very often.  I thought we'd go a little stir crazy with the pandemic but that hasn't been the case.  I really enjoy being in my home with my family.  I feel content.  I haven't shopped much for clothing.  I purchcased 3 shirts very early on (two were clearance) and I haven't even worn them yet.  I need a reprive of summer shirts but that can wait till next season.  I ran out of foundation but that's all the makeup I've worn. 

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Re: I have saved so much money!

I ventured out yesterday by myself for the first time in over 4 months.


I broke my back at the height of the virus.  My back Dr who's been treating me since 2003 had some of his office help get the virus.  They had to close up the entire office.  They are affiliated with 27 other office.  I don't even know how many had to close down.  I do know I laid in bed for a full 2 weeks in unbelievable pain because I couldn't get into an orthopedic Dr's office.


My daughter few in from Denver, hounded one of the other offices, and I won't bore you but it  was a living Hell trying to get help (blood work, etc) during this time.  I still haven't gotten the results about the piece of bone sent out to find out if I have bone cancer and that was over 2 months ago!


My daughters came into my house and organized it so my  life was made easier.  I'd been hauling up cases of water every week.  They made arrangements for me to have large bottles delivered.  I used to do that but when my husband died I stopped it.


We donated (I just took count of 24 huge trash bags full of clothes.  Another 2 bags of nothing but shoes.  


Anyway, I stopped ordering so much from QVC.  I'd buy various items and just give them away to friends and family.  That stopped.


I was in so much pain I didn't eat, lost weight there.


If you ever want to know what it's like to have to depend on your family and/or children (when you've always been totally independent) break your back.  Now add to that during a very contagious virus...when everything is closed down.


I'm an eternal optimist.  I always look for the upside of things.  There have been a lot of upsides to this.....


One thing I've always known....when you question "Why God did this happen to me"?  Just remember, you aren't so special to think God was punishing you.  I believe some things just happen to people.  I also believe there are always people who have a more difficult time/life that you do.


By the time I got home yesterday (picking up medicine, having lunch with friend and grocery store)....I could barely make it home.  Today I'm suffering for 'overdoing it' but I rejoice in the fact that when I called friends for help with the groceries....they beat me at my house to help...


Next time you are feeling all Boo-Hoo for yourself.  Sit down and write a list of all the people who've helped you at times...


THAT'S when you'll see how really lucky and rich you are.

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I'm Readin g: I have saved so much money!

[ Edited ]

I'm 76 and the designated errand runner for my family, so am out at least every other day (grocery, scripts, drive thru).  In addition, we have made two 20 hr roundtrip to CA and a six hour r.t. to Phoenix. Spend a lot of time multi tasking (t.v./tablet) and much online reading/shopping (Ebay, Amazon). Done some online clothing sales

(Chicos, Talbots, Landsend). Buying some beautiful Pollack jewelry (her site, Ebay).  Also pulling at least $300 cash weekly in 20s, 50s ( I really think there will be a cash crisis). Biggest challenge was paying off house (mostly done remotely). With no mortgage and using only 1/4th gas, we are way ahead.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

COVID 19 is not a joke; it is serious and can take your life depending on the strain you get.  It likes Type A blood but not Type O.  I read about that early on back in March or April.  I am a high risk person as my immune system is suppressed by medication (auto-immune disease).  I stay in and keep myself busy and rest.  I have a deck so I can always  sit outside.  I do go for groceries and also visit Target.  Masks are required at both.  I shop online and actually have been shopping online for a few years now.  I still buy makeup that I need; I found a skincare line that I will use for life (Mario Badescu) and I do buy clothes pieces I need.

It's hard to believe that people would not be given a ventilator because of their age.  Doctors takes oaths to save lives.  I wonder if it is because your granddaughter works in a small hospital, there are only so many ventilators to go around.  It is still very sad that you will die because you are old and the ventiator goes to the younger person.  There was a shortage of ventilators from the beginning of this crisis.  Let's hope the vaccine is successful or they are still working on another one.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

@Katcat1 wrote:

COVID 19 is not a joke; it is serious and can take your life depending on the strain you get.  It likes Type A blood but not Type O.  I read about that early on back in March or April.  I am a high risk person as my immune system is suppressed by medication (auto-immune disease).  I stay in and keep myself busy and rest.  I have a deck so I can always  sit outside.  I do go for groceries and also visit Target.  Masks are required at both.  I shop online and actually have been shopping online for a few years now.  I still buy makeup that I need; I found a skincare line that I will use for life (Mario Badescu) and I do buy clothes pieces I need.

It's hard to believe that people would not be given a ventilator because of their age.  Doctors takes oaths to save lives.  I wonder if it is because your granddaughter works in a small hospital, there are only so many ventilators to go around.  It is still very sad that you will die because you are old and the ventiator goes to the younger person.  There was a shortage of ventilators from the beginning of this crisis.  Let's hope the vaccine is successful or they are still working on another one.



This post has nothing to do with "saved so much money" KatCat1. Move it to Wellness forum.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

I don't know where people are wearing all the new clothes. I certainly have stopped buying from the Q. I love it that my easy pays are dwindling away.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

My daughter works for the Henry Ford Health system which is huge.  Luckily, in Michigan the death count has gone down each day but we still have around 1100 new cases each day.  When the virus was at it height my daughter assured my husband and myself that if we got the virus and needed a ventilator we would not get one because we are 70 years old.  When I watched the news and the doctors from New York were saying they had to make choices on who would live and who would die because so many people were on ventilators it broke my heart. I see everyday that scientists and doctors are working so hard to come up with new ways to treat this menace.  We just have to have faith and stay as safe as we can.