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I have finally got to use this

I bought this before my brother died and that will be 2 years in August.

Super handy.  I haven't been asleep tonight, I can smell coffee, I'm bored out of my mind so I hope they don't mind if I unhook everything and take a walk later🙃






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Re: I have finally got to use this

@monicakm  I love things that are neat and organized.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING?  I'm hoping you'll get to go home today and enjoy the weekend.....   and that everything went smoothly. 

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: I have finally got to use this



Unfortunately I will not be going home today. My doctor wanted me in the hospital for 5 days prior to open heart surgery. Surely I'm going to wake up and this will all have been a nightmare.

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Re: I have finally got to use this

@monicakm I just saw your other post.   This will be over before you know it and you'll be home.   Do what you need to do to stay happy,  healthy and enjoy all that is around you.  

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Re: I have finally got to use this

It’s definitely good to get up and around! Can you go outside of the hospital now and then just to get some fresh air?
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Re: I have finally got to use this



I don't know if I'm allowed to go outside or not. Cute guy was just in for more blood 🤭

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Re: I have finally got to use this

So good to see that you are posting.  Nice bag too 😍


If you can get up to potty , they might let you stroll?


Here is a pro tip, set off the rail alarm for some excitement- not.

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Re: I have finally got to use this

@monicakm ~ You’re too funny!!
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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: I have finally got to use this

@monicakm  - If you get bored, you can give skin care and/or makeup lessons!  I love your bag, I have one too.  Bought it years ago and use it all the time.  Sending you hugs.

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Posts: 19,230
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: I have finally got to use this

No I can't do anything by myself. I answered yes to the question have you ever fallen. Well that's all it took they have an alarm on my bed it's already gone off twice. I can't go to the bathroom by myself. I fell a year and a half or two ago because of my knee replacement. I was trying to put my pants on standing up like I've always done.   So now I can't get out of this bed by myself . It's bananas!