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I am so dumb........

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What ever made me think Josie M's Divine Drip or her Argan Infinity Intensive Creamy Oil,Body Butter or anything for that matter, was only pure Argan Oil , just wipped up in different ways?


Maybe honey or fig  in it for scent, but thats about all.  I don't think I ever heard her say ,"other ingredients" in anything.


Gosh for all these yrs I have been using it everywhere and even on my dogs feet or on  boo- boo's.


I just deceided to read the ingredient. list!  I am surprised to see so many ingredients!


Either I am just plain stupid or iving under a rock!  Glad I woke up........


Don't get me wrong,I love her products but I may have been using them in all the wrong places.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I am so dumb........

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That's exactly what she says all the time! Does anybody ever give us the full story?!


However, just like when you are making a salad dressing...if you whip the oil up long enough, you do get an emulsion.


As long as you like it, though!


I only ever tried her reserve, and to me with my experience in oils, it was just another oil. Oils, which I only use now for facial massage.



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Yes, I have thought the same thing and have moved on from all of her products. Why do I need Argan milk if all that it contains is Argan oil? The same with the body butter Argan Whipped". 

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Love (!) Josie’s mascara, but have moved on to organic Argan many additives in everything these days...Have to read every label & proceed w/ caution.


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Re: I am so dumb........

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I AM SO OVER Josie and her Arrrrrrrrrgan Oil.

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I've only bought one thing.....that HUGE jar of whipped.  I only used it a couple of tiimes.....ended up with grease stains on my newly upholstered bedroom chair (even though I was careful not to used too much).  I felt like I was covered in Crisco....that was a year ago and it's still sitting on my bathroom shelf.....since I'm getting ready to move after the first of the year, it's getting tossed.  I am loving the Dubrow's body cream I bought from their last visit to Evine.  It smells wonderful and is not greasy.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: I am so dumb........

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No .... you are NOT dumb, just made some incorrect assumptions.   Been there, done that.


It's been a while since I watched a JM presentation, but I'm pretty sure that most (if not all) cosmetics and skin care items on the QVC website have an Ingredients link.   


After all the rave reviews in the past for the vanilla bean body butter, I decided to spring for the 19 oz tub.   Guess what?  Doesn't even smell like vanilla ....  at all!    I don't know what it smells like, actually, but it isn't vanilla.  


Well, if you're so inclined,  there's really only a couple things you can do: 


1 ....   Complain ...  to both QVC CS and to Josie on her facebook and/or her actual website.


2 ....   Send the darn thing back.