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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

WWWWOOOOOOOW.......looks like the posters here are showing their age and you clearly do not relate to what is NOW and not what was THEN. Get over it. Who cares. Really? Getting so upset because people say lippie? Grandbaby and peeps? I think I see not only some intolerance but some prejudices here.

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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

On 2/6/2014 RedConvertibleGirl said:

Weird how some find "hubby" annoying. It's better than DH IMO.

I'd be happy never to hear "lippie" again. Or any of the following: baby bump, baby mama, baby daddy, poo (honestly? you can't say SHAMPOO?!). Mani-pedi is also another that grates on my nerves.

mani-pedi bothers you? You have got to be kidding. Talk about some nagging old women that have nothing better to do than find things that ANNOY them. Poor little thangs.

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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

BTW, did anyone hear the host of an Australian shopping channel where Dimitri was selling his SKINN line, call him Dimi? I thought it was so cute and she called him that all through the show...LOL!

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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

Oh I forgot one! What about people that spell ""Love"" L-U-V. So annoying!

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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

On 2/6/2014 frenchie said:
On 2/6/2014 Ford1224 said:

I am turned off when one of the hosts or vendors is showing makeup and say that a certain model is "60 years young."

I am 76 years old, and I have earned the respect of being around a long time. I don't need anyone patronizing me by calling me "young" anything.

Oh Ford, I forgot about that one. I agree with you.

It sounds ridiculous hearing someone is X years young, when the person is not even old enough to vote.

☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

I agree with so much of this annoying terminology, except for two--

I like to say "hubby". It's been around forever and I find it endearing.

I don't mind being called Miss "first name". The kids next door call me that and I think it's cute.

I just keep on talking the way I always have, but every now and then one of the newspeak words comes out of me and I think, where did that come from?....

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎02-11-2011

Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

I hate when they describe a fabric as feeling like mashed potatoes!

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Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

On 2/6/2014 riplets said:

I hate when they describe a fabric as feeling like mashed potatoes!

what???? Who does that??? What a weird description for fabric and not really appealing at all. That is some serious stretching for a new way to describe something.

Posts: 28
Registered: ‎02-11-2011

Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

PJD says the fabric is soft like mashed potatoes! Yuk!

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎08-06-2010

Re: I Have Two Eyes, Two Legs...

"Dear" - when younger women and men in a social situation call me "dear" ---because they interpret my grey hair as a license to patronize.

Never mind that I'm a fit, active and vital fifty-something!!!

They don't even know what makes them think they should call {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} me "dear"?