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I Don't Care What You Call It

Instead of "anti-aging" it's now "pro-aging."  AGING is AGING, period.

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

Well since "Pro" means that you are in favor of it, they are now in favor of aging.


I think they could have come up with something better.


How about "better-aging."

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

[ Edited ]

I hate the phrase "anti-aging" too- it makes it seem like aging is a bad thing.  Aging is a privelege and I think that women get even more beautiful with age! 

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

Is this a beauty product or are we talking about the age of possibility?  A little context please.

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

I pay absolutely no attention to the whole aging bs. I'm 69 years old, I'll be 70 in February. Getting older doesn't bother me one iota, when you consider the alternative. Ever since my younger brother died at 34 of a massive coronary, I'm grateful for every day. He would have been 61 this year and I'm sure he would be thrilled to be getting older.❤

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

"Holding the line?"

"Mininizing the damage?"

I always thought that Philosophy hit the nail on the head with  "Hope in a Jar."

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

I just go with the flow.  I don't care about age.


I care about health.  

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

I'm with @SportyShorty07 ❤️. Aging is a privilege not afforded to all. Every age/decade has pros and cons and though one's body may not be as firm and one's skin and hair not quite as fresh and youthful, one's life experiences, many hard fought, have taught brought us priceless commodities such as wisdom, patience, kindness, and a wealth of knowledge just to name a few.
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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

Grew out of vanity and into volunteering by age 50!
QVC is childish and self-absorbed in their thoughts of "Over 50". Pathetic! 

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Re: I Don't Care What You Call It

I see aging in two totally different ways. In terms of life yes aging is a good thing. In regard to looks then I’m all for anti aging, and this what the cosmetic/skin care industry is referring to, two different types.