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How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

Is it 2 years or shorter? Want to buy the big 12 oz but and not want I TM going bad on me cause it isn't cheap.



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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?


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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

I have never heard of this and have no idea what it is ....

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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

I've been trying not to answer 'Ask Prince Albert', or other wise guy retorts.


I lost that struggle.

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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

O.K. ... Now someone is really going to have to tell me what

the heck are you guys talking about ......

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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

O.K. i googled it .. never mind ....

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Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

I can't exactly remember how old mine is, I either bought it last year or the year before, but I used it a few weeks ago and it worked just fine.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How long does Vita Liberata last in the can?

@karlam wrote:

I can't exactly remember how old mine is, I either bought it last year or the year before, but I used it a few weeks ago and it worked just fine.

Thank you. I finally got an answer.  I will order a new one because I love this stuff. Tried the Mine Tan and although I loved the mitt the tanner stunk and I am not usually sensitive to smells but this smelled toxic. Back it went.