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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

It is definitely not easy to give up something that you truly enjoy. I've battled weight my whole life. Now I am diabetic and although I lost 80 pounds I put 20 back on in the last three years. I know my problem though, I am a stress eater and menopause sure hasn't helped much. Right now I am trying to dump the 20 lbs and I crave chocolate like I am in a constant state of PMS. So I now buy the Dove small chocolates and freeze them. I eat about three a day and you can't eat them quickly so you really get to enjoy the taste. I eat one after dinner and it seems to help a lot.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I am also addicted to sugar. Cakes, cookies, chocolate, you name it. I don't buy it too often because if so do I will eat it until it's gone. Luckily I have a very good metabolism and my weight has been the same for 30 years. I do treat myself occasionally, but I find that what has saved me is to chew gum. I also try and have a protein smoothie once a day.
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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I am a chocolate candy addict. I can't eat just i piece and portion control doesn't work for me.

I can tell you from experience that eating sugary sweets casuses you to crave more. I just give them up cold turkey. It's very difficult for a few day, then I don't have a problem.

Sometimes when I crave something, I substitute it with something I can have. Diet finger jello works. I also have a large selection of teas. I'll mke myself a cup of a sweet flavor, like Constant Comment. I can nurse the tea for quite a while and it seems to hit the spot,

Good luck.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I eat fruit everyday, but if I want a dessert type sweet I have it. My thing is not to have packaged sweets or whole cakes and pies stocked at home. If I get a craving that fruit just can't satisfy I go to a bakery counter and get just ONE cookie or slice of something. With a little will power you'll be surprised at how having the single portion a) satisfies the craving; b) teaches your body to adjust to less and over time your cravings lessen.

I was never a candy girl, so I never desire it -- not even the good expensive kind.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I agree with the mentioned just give it up if you have no ability to moderate yourself. Frozen cherries or blueberries are a sweet yummy and good for you. I also agree that sugar can lead to craving more sugar, but if you can have discipline (which if you really want to be healthier, you will find in yourself) then find a healthier option that will satisfy your need for a 'treat'. A square of dark chocolate (real dark chocolate) with a nut butter tastes better than a candy bar to me (too sweet now.) Coconut peanut butter is SO yummy this way. Your body will process the sugar that is in the drk. choc. differently with the fat & prot. in the nut butter. You will eventually adjust to less sugar and find sugary things too sweet. Do you drink coffee? If so, try making a cup of flavored coffee when you want something...don't add sugar though, try to adjust to enjoying the flavor. Unsweetened almond milk has 0g. of sugar if you like to add milk. If you really struggle while building up your discipline, a trick I recommend is immediately go brush your teeth when you want to grab a sweet. I don't feel like eating for a long time after I brush and it will give you brain time to get past the craving. hth ~smiles, SnowKita
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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I've lost 15 pounds on weight watchers. I was a sweet ADDICT. What helped me take that edge off was Swiss Miss Hot Chocoate SUGAR FREE! It really worked and it is only 50 calories I believe. Another thing to try is the mineral Chromium PIccolate. You can find that in any Walgreens, CVS, Target Walmart. Its where they have the vitamins.

On other thing, once you go withOUT any type of sugar for 10 days (honey, dextrose etc.) you will NOT CRAVE SUGAR/SWEETS at all. Yes, it really works your body will no longer crave this addictive food.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

My DH attended diabetes class at the Joslin Diabetes Center and when the nutritionist spoke to them she said the best way to avoid craving sugar is to eat protein when you are craving sugar. My DH keeps peanut butter that is nothing but ground up peanuts - nothing added - and he will eat that or a hard boiled egg when he craves sugar. If you eat fruit , that contains fructose - a sugar - it will make you crave more sugar.The more sugar you eat the more you want so it is beat to avoid it altogether.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

On 11/28/2014 happy housewife said:

My DH attended diabetes class at the Joslin Diabetes Center and when the nutritionist spoke to them she said the best way to avoid craving sugar is to eat protein when you are craving sugar. My DH keeps peanut butter that is nothing but ground up peanuts - nothing added - and he will eat that or a hard boiled egg when he craves sugar. If you eat fruit , that contains fructose - a sugar - it will make you crave more sugar.The more sugar you eat the more you want so it is beat to avoid it altogether.

Hi. I agree the more you eat sugar the MORE YOU CRAVE! It's a vicious cycle. Where do you buy the peanut butter with nothing added? thanks!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I find that eating grapes helps me with sweet cravings. Also once when I was dieting I had a bag of Hersheys kisses. I would eat one or two. The secret of course is not eating the whole bag. lol

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

For various issues I have to avoid sugars and sugar alcohols in all forms. You just have to clean out your cupboards and be very careful what you buy in the store. Really read all the ingredients. Make sure you know how many names sugar can hide under.

Once it is all out of your life you will not miss it. It will seem gross. This summer I was on a road trip and ate lunch at McDs and was SHOCKED at how sweet the buns were. We do not know how flooded we are in sweeteners.