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Hi - I saw a thread regarding giving up or limiting sugar-however, I can't find it now.

In any case, a poster said she loves desserts but recently lost 20 lbs. by giving up sugar. I am looking for tips on how to "transition" away from desserts. I was raised in a home where we ate sweets after lunch and dinner daily. I am struggling to stop this habit and would appreciate any suggestions. If I could give up sweets I know I can lose weight. Thanks for any help!

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I simply don't keep sweets in the house because if they're here, I will eat them. This way, if I get a craving for something sweet, I have to get ready & go out & get it......which ain't gonna happen. If my son brings sweets into the house, I tell him to keep them up in his room.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I use fruit. I find smoothies are the best thing. Sweet and filling. And I think it was on Dr Oz recently that cheese will also kill a sugar craving. Who knew?
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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I have lost about 40 lbs, and this is what worked for me. If I had a craving for something sweet, I would grab a piece of fruit. Yes, you get calories, but there is nutrition along with the calories and not "empty" calories.

Also, when you get a taste for something sweet, get up, get moving and concentrate on something. You will be surprised how quickly the "hunger" pains go away.

Another tactic--do something with your hands--knit, crochet, paint, scrapbook,etc. You can't eat while your hands are occupied.

If you don't live by yourself and someone else is capable, ask them to do the dishes. Get yourself out of the eating area as soon as your meal is done. Or, if you retire to the family room for desert, go to your bedroom, or some other room in the house. Break the pattern. It is so surprising how our minds get trained and then trigger other things.

I know you will do well, for you have taken the first step by asking for help. Nothing can be successful until that step is done. Good luck.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I'm a sugar addict and I really wish I could give you an easy way to 'transition' away from it. I can't do it. The only way I've found of keeping away from sweets is to simply go cold turkey (no pun intended on Thanksgiving!).

I can't have just one candy. If I do one, it's the whole Lay's Potato Chip thing: the whole bag. So I also do as sgraham30 does: don't keep anything in the house. Also, I find that most types of prepared foods either have some sort of sugar or hidden type of sugar in them, which also spurs my sweet tooth. I don't eat that type of food either. And I limit all high carbohydrate foods.

In my case, I don't do it for caloric intake (although it does help keep the pounds off), I do it because of past health issues, and to avoid future health problems.

It isn't easy, but it's doable. You'll find that if you have the fortitude to keep away from all sweets for a few weeks, you will lose the craving. If eating sweets at a certain time has become a ritual for you, find a substitute--not a sweet-type substitute, though. It becomes a life-style after a while. Don't think of it as a diet, or chances are you'll cave in. Tell yourself that you're giving yourself the gift of health, which you are.

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

I'm a big believer in portion control. If I want something sweet, I have something sweet, I just don't eat large portions, and it helps to also minimize the amount of sweets kept handy. Sorry, but for me, when I want a piece of chocolate, an apple isn't going to do it, but a small piece of chocolate rather than a whole bar will... I also find that later in the evening a cup of creamy yogurt will sometimes help to address cravings for sweets.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

Thanks so very much for all of your kind replies. I am going to try these great suggestions. I really have to do something about my sugar addiction!

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

People often crave sweets when they aren't getting enough protein, so try increasing that.

Also, if you're used to having sweets after lunch and dinner, maybe you shouldn't try to stop, just find a substitute ........ my favorite sweet after dinner and watching TV is sugarless hard candies ..... they come in a million varieties. Right now, my fave is a caramel cream hard candy I get at the Dollar Tree ..... you can get them anywhere, though. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

Geezerette is right on! I can only give up sweets going Cold Turkey also. I had a lap band a few years ago and I learned how to give it up before I had that done. Gave up all sweets and almost all carbs for two to three weeks to begin with. Then the craving was gone and as long as I did start back on any then I did not crave them. You should have a high protein diet going on though because you will be zapped at first with no sugar. The way I eat is protein first, vegetables second and fruit third if I still have room. It works real well.


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Re: Help with giving up sweets!

Just stop.