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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

On 6/9/2014 Alexa6352 said:

Jessica...WEN is not for EVERYONE. Even though Chaz wants us to believe that.My hair does not respond to Wen... My Husband LOVES IT.So maybe you are one of US...and go back to using good old regular shampoo!

Seems obvious. hayley, if a product doesn't work for you, stop using it. Why fight so hard to make something work? You don't get extra credit.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

On 6/9/2014 jaxs mom said:

What I found is that after using Wen for a year, my hair can't tolerate the seasonals like they used to. If your hair is feeling dry and brittle and you're still using the seasonals I'd suggest stop using them and see if it helps. It sounds like it could be that your moisture and protein isn't balanced. Especially if you're using CA and POM with seasonals and you're getting dry brittle hair. I'd try Fig, it's the most moisturizing or even tea tree has more moisture than POM and CA.

One other thing, you really need to apply the leave in, in the shower in soaking wet hair. I only mention it because you said you get out of the shower and then apply. Most people have removed at least some water from their hair when they get out of the shower. What I do is apply in the shower and when I'm done, I hold my hair up and rinse my body so that any leave in that might have got on my skin is rinsed off.

Thanks so much for the suggestion! What I do right now is put a small amount (pea-sized or so) of the CC on my soaking we hair right as I'm getting out of the shower (before I wrap up in towels, etc) - which for me is as finished with the shower as I can get. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Then, when I'm going to comb through, I use a wide-tooth comb to (gently!) work through my hair. No heat at all (can't risk more damage) and then air dry. I've *never* had a problem like this before with my hair. I used to be able to get out of the shower, run my wide comb and then a microfiber brush through and air dry and have no frizz, no fuss and go.

My "typical" CC session is cucumber aloe/pom or just 2 rounds with pom (again, because I know I can get either of these in his standard line when I need to replace at any time). The seasonals are "special day" treats for myself and are used only on the 'second round' cleanse just to have that scent to lift me up. (So if it's once a month, that's a lot! - that's why I still have the summer & fall scents 16oz bottles from 2012/2013 stock piled in my cabinet. I hate the idea that I'm going to run out.)

I can't use the fig (unfortunately) or tea tree (or most of the standard line) because I'm highly sensitive/allergic to scents and certain ingredients (including soy and gluten). So I have to be extremely careful even when I'm around my mom - if she's using lavender (her favorite) or tea tree - or even the sweet almond - I have to stay away until it dissipates or my asthma is off the charts and I can't breathe. I'm not sure which ones I haven't tried yet of his original line, but I'll have to raid my mom's stash and see!

Thanks again for your reply. It's greatly appreciated.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

If you're allergic to soy, POM and the seasonals are soy based. Bamboo Green Tea and the WEN Kids are the only formulas that are soy and gluten free, they are rice-based.

Definitely call Chaz' salon.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

On 6/9/2014 ennui1 said:
On 6/9/2014 Alexa6352 said:

Jessica...WEN is not for EVERYONE. Even though Chaz wants us to believe that.My hair does not respond to Wen... My Husband LOVES IT.So maybe you are one of US...and go back to using good old regular shampoo!

Seems obvious. hayley, if a product doesn't work for you, stop using it. Why fight so hard to make something work? You don't get extra credit.

Thanks for your replies. I'm not looking for "extra credit" I'm looking for help and suggestions (which I've gotten) for other things to try to get better results. Given my mom has gotten such wonderful and dramatic results on her hair, it seems kind of ridiculous not to reach out to thousands of users and to the creator himself for help if I could be getting those results too.

I believe in the all-natural products. I have serious health issues which mean I need to keep as many chemicals out of my body and environment as possible. I'd rather not go back to "regular shampoo/conditioner" if I can help help it. If I can get Wen to work for me like it does for my mom, I want to do that and I don't mind seeming "silly" or like I'm trying for "extra credit" by utilizing a forum intended for questions to do seek out answers.

"There are no stupid questions..." -- But, again, thank you so much for taking the time to respond and try to remind me that not everyone has all of the answers.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

I think WEN is like very other beauty product out there. It works for some -- not for others. It definitely did not work for me, but obviously it works for a lot of others.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

If it isn't working for you after 18 MONTHS. Drop it. Go to a hairdresser for an analysis of your hair and scalp. Get a good haircut or a trim and ask the hairdresser to recommend some products. You do know that WEN is just a product, nothing more and nothing less. Like everything else on this planet, it will work well for some people and not so well for other people. Lots of us have great hair and we do not use WEN.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

Hayley, it seems like you gave it a good go and it just doesn't work with your hair. If you say you want something natural and good for the environment, there are many other more natural products than WEN out there and something is bound to work for you.

I just don't understand trying so hard and long to make something work for you that clearly doesn't when there are so many options out there.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

I also wanted to be a WEN girl but it's just not in the cards. I've tried every formula (except the kids) and I just do not have success. Tea Tree sometimes does OK, but more often than not it doesn't. The only thing that works with any consistency is the Tea Tree treatment oil.

Between the soy, the wheat, the protein, WEN just isn't for me. I think once you've struggled for 18 months to make it work for you it really is time to give up. Not all products work for everyone.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

On 6/9/2014 hayley76 said:
On 6/9/2014 jaxs mom said:

What I found is that after using Wen for a year, my hair can't tolerate the seasonals like they used to. If your hair is feeling dry and brittle and you're still using the seasonals I'd suggest stop using them and see if it helps. It sounds like it could be that your moisture and protein isn't balanced. Especially if you're using CA and POM with seasonals and you're getting dry brittle hair. I'd try Fig, it's the most moisturizing or even tea tree has more moisture than POM and CA.

One other thing, you really need to apply the leave in, in the shower in soaking wet hair. I only mention it because you said you get out of the shower and then apply. Most people have removed at least some water from their hair when they get out of the shower. What I do is apply in the shower and when I'm done, I hold my hair up and rinse my body so that any leave in that might have got on my skin is rinsed off.

Thanks so much for the suggestion! What I do right now is put a small amount (pea-sized or so) of the CC on my soaking we hair right as I'm getting out of the shower (before I wrap up in towels, etc) - which for me is as finished with the shower as I can get. Sorry if that wasn't clear. Then, when I'm going to comb through, I use a wide-tooth comb to (gently!) work through my hair. No heat at all (can't risk more damage) and then air dry. I've *never* had a problem like this before with my hair. I used to be able to get out of the shower, run my wide comb and then a microfiber brush through and air dry and have no frizz, no fuss and go.

My "typical" CC session is cucumber aloe/pom or just 2 rounds with pom (again, because I know I can get either of these in his standard line when I need to replace at any time). The seasonals are "special day" treats for myself and are used only on the 'second round' cleanse just to have that scent to lift me up. (So if it's once a month, that's a lot! - that's why I still have the summer & fall scents 16oz bottles from 2012/2013 stock piled in my cabinet. I hate the idea that I'm going to run out.)

I can't use the fig (unfortunately) or tea tree (or most of the standard line) because I'm highly sensitive/allergic to scents and certain ingredients (including soy and gluten). So I have to be extremely careful even when I'm around my mom - if she's using lavender (her favorite) or tea tree - or even the sweet almond - I have to stay away until it dissipates or my asthma is off the charts and I can't breathe. I'm not sure which ones I haven't tried yet of his original line, but I'll have to raid my mom's stash and see!

Thanks again for your reply. It's greatly appreciated.

I completely understand on the scent sensitivity, I'm the same way, it can cause me to feel like I can't breathe, although I don't have actual asthma like you do. POM and the seasonals are soy based ( as is 613) and CA is wheat based, not sure if you're actually allergic to gluten or just sensitive but maybe that is playing into your hair issues? If you need to avoid soy and wheat you're only other option would be the rice based CCs which are bamboo green tea and the kids line.

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Re: Help from Chaz please!! My hair looks worse after Wen!

I think it sounds as though BGT or Kids formulas would work for you. Take a look at the ingredients to make sure there isn't something in them you know you are allergic to.

From what I've read from other posters your hair sounds like it has too much protein and needs more moisture. If there is a fragrance you can stand to use, I think you should try the Remoist product. And remember that just because you are oily doesn't mean your hair isn't dry. Maybe your scalp hasn't "normalized" yet?

If you really want to use Wen I think you should call Chaz's salon, as suggested, and be open to the idea of trying the rice-based CCs (BGT or Kids) and the Remoist. And maybe you should cleanse every day for a period of time to get your hair in better shape (assuming you can find a Wen CC that works for you.)

Good luck!