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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/24/2015 HSB1204 said:
On 3/24/2015 Hilary77 said: I actually prefer the oils over the remoist for adding moisture to my hair. I apply 4 full droppers to my scalp and massage it in. I also like to add some oil to the midshaft and ends of my hair for extra moisture. I cleanse the oils out in the morning.

Me too. The remoist is okay but I prefer the oils as well.

I also prefer the oils over the remoist and sometimes use the seasonal oils as an overnight treatment. I also use the seasonal oils as a body oil and sometimes add a drop or two to already styled hair. For me I believe that I like tea tree best as an overnight treatment although it does take getting used to this formula.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/26/2015 cac140 said:

Good morning. I am going to jump on here with a question of my own about the treatment oils rather than start a new conversation which I was about to. I am new to WEN and am loving it. I tried the TT oil and the Lavender oil on my scalp. My scalp felt so soothed and refreshed. Loved that. And my hair was super soft after cleansing. Question however... After I used the oils and used the CC I noticed a lot of hair in my drain. Much more than when I just use the CC's alone. Is this normal? I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this. I have had a problem with some hair loss and breakage and that was one of the big reasons I switched to WEN. I really love these oils and want to continue using them. I would welcome anyone's opinions or suggestions. My hair has never looked better.

I will answer this. Yes.

I have experienced the same with oils initially. I had already been cleansing with Wen for about a month or so, and Wen alone seemed to diminish my prior to Wen hair loss tremendously.

Then, when I first started couple of oil treatments over night, I saw hair in the bathtub. It scared me, because I wanted to continue with Wen, and if this would continued, I'd had to stop Wen.

But it was going on for a few days only, then stopped. I think, oils help to loosen up those hairs in the shaft, that were about to fall out soon anyways.

cac140, next time please, do start your own thread with your question, to keep a conversation staying on the subject OP raised out of respect to the OP and her subject.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

I generally don't use the oils and the Remoist at the same time, but some people do.

I use the oils more often than the Remoist because you can put them on dry hair and use them in multiple ways. I use the oils on my scalp at night or, if I'm going to be home all day on a weekend, I'll do it during the day. I also add a few drops of oil to my leave-in WEN and add them to my body lotions. If I'm using straight acetone to soak gel polish or glitter off my nails, I'll add some of the seasonal WEN oils to the acetone so that it doesn't leave my skin so dry and smells more pleasant. I have many different oils and also like to use the Tea Tree on my face and, if I'm having sinus trouble, I'll mix the Tea Tree and the Sweet Almond Mint and massage them over my forehead, temples, and cheeks.

The Remoist I usually use on a weekend afternoon. I'll add it to soaking wet hair, then clip my hair up and drape a microfiber towel over my shoulders and leave it like that for an hour or so. After an hour, I take the clip out and let my hair air dry, which takes the rest of the day. I'll sleep with the Remoist in. The next morning, I get in the shower and get my head wet, massage the Remoist in, clip it up and leave it while I wash my body. I don't use a cleansing conditioner, I just rinse the Remoist out, put in my leave-in and oil, and style as usual.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/26/2015 cac140 said:

Good morning. I am going to jump on here with a question of my own about the treatment oils rather than start a new conversation which I was about to. I am new to WEN and am loving it. I tried the TT oil and the Lavender oil on my scalp. My scalp felt so soothed and refreshed. Loved that. And my hair was super soft after cleansing. Question however... After I used the oils and used the CC I noticed a lot of hair in my drain. Much more than when I just use the CC's alone. Is this normal? I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this. I have had a problem with some hair loss and breakage and that was one of the big reasons I switched to WEN. I really love these oils and want to continue using them. I would welcome anyone's opinions or suggestions. My hair has never looked better.

Been there with the hair thing after using the oil....For me it was because I was too vigorus massaging it in my scalp after I got the hang of being more gentle while massaging it in total difference!!!

*ChynnaBlue-I also use a little bit of the oil on my ends if my curls are feeling dry.(it hlelps me with frizz)

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/26/2015 susan25 said:
On 3/24/2015 HSB1204 said:
On 3/24/2015 Hilary77 said: I actually prefer the oils over the remoist for adding moisture to my hair. I apply 4 full droppers to my scalp and massage it in. I also like to add some oil to the midshaft and ends of my hair for extra moisture. I cleanse the oils out in the morning.

Me too. The remoist is okay but I prefer the oils as well.

I also prefer the oils over the remoist and sometimes use the seasonal oils as an overnight treatment. I also use the seasonal oils as a body oil and sometimes add a drop or two to already styled hair. For me I believe that I like tea tree best as an overnight treatment although it does take getting used to this formula.

Yes, I also add the oils to dry hair if I need a little more moisture. I usually also add a few drops to my leave-in. The TT oil scent is definitely pretty strong, but I'll just put it on a couple of hours before bed time and then it's usually not that strong. I love the TT oil, though. Whenever I use it I can see new hair growth.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/26/2015 sonechko said:
On 3/26/2015 cac140 said:

Good morning. I am going to jump on here with a question of my own about the treatment oils rather than start a new conversation which I was about to. I am new to WEN and am loving it. I tried the TT oil and the Lavender oil on my scalp. My scalp felt so soothed and refreshed. Loved that. And my hair was super soft after cleansing. Question however... After I used the oils and used the CC I noticed a lot of hair in my drain. Much more than when I just use the CC's alone. Is this normal? I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this. I have had a problem with some hair loss and breakage and that was one of the big reasons I switched to WEN. I really love these oils and want to continue using them. I would welcome anyone's opinions or suggestions. My hair has never looked better.

I will answer this. Yes.

I have experienced the same with oils initially. I had already been cleansing with Wen for about a month or so, and Wen alone seemed to diminish my prior to Wen hair loss tremendously.

Then, when I first started couple of oil treatments over night, I saw hair in the bathtub. It scared me, because I wanted to continue with Wen, and if this would continued, I'd had to stop Wen.

But it was going on for a few days only, then stopped. I think, oils help to loosen up those hairs in the shaft, that were about to fall out soon anyways.

cac140, next time please, do start your own thread with your question, to keep a conversation staying on the subject OP raised out of respect to the OP and her subject.

Thank you for your feedback. It's been very helpful and I appreciate it. I will definitely start a new post next time I have a question. I did not mean any disrespect to the original poster whatsoever. The topic was oils and that is why I asked my question here. I actually thought it could help her as well. I will continue to use the oils and not worry so much about the hair coming out. It was probably ready to come out anyway and the benefits to the scalp are wonderful.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

Just another suggestion for anyone that loves the oils. If you like the scent of SOB you may consider purchasing the oil from Chaz's site. I still haven't ordered yet since I really want the 4 oz. size but will wait a few weeks to order it. It is one of my favorite Wen scents even though it is a bit drying for my hair.

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

On 3/27/2015 cac140 said:
On 3/26/2015 sonechko said:
On 3/26/2015 cac140 said:

Good morning. I am going to jump on here with a question of my own about the treatment oils rather than start a new conversation which I was about to. I am new to WEN and am loving it. I tried the TT oil and the Lavender oil on my scalp. My scalp felt so soothed and refreshed. Loved that. And my hair was super soft after cleansing. Question however... After I used the oils and used the CC I noticed a lot of hair in my drain. Much more than when I just use the CC's alone. Is this normal? I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this. I have had a problem with some hair loss and breakage and that was one of the big reasons I switched to WEN. I really love these oils and want to continue using them. I would welcome anyone's opinions or suggestions. My hair has never looked better.

I will answer this. Yes.

I have experienced the same with oils initially. I had already been cleansing with Wen for about a month or so, and Wen alone seemed to diminish my prior to Wen hair loss tremendously.

Then, when I first started couple of oil treatments over night, I saw hair in the bathtub. It scared me, because I wanted to continue with Wen, and if this would continued, I'd had to stop Wen.

But it was going on for a few days only, then stopped. I think, oils help to loosen up those hairs in the shaft, that were about to fall out soon anyways.

cac140, next time please, do start your own thread with your question, to keep a conversation staying on the subject OP raised out of respect to the OP and her subject.

Thank you for your feedback. It's been very helpful and I appreciate it. I will definitely start a new post next time I have a question. I did not mean any disrespect to the original poster whatsoever. The topic was oils and that is why I asked my question here. I actually thought it could help her as well. I will continue to use the oils and not worry so much about the hair coming out. It was probably ready to come out anyway and the benefits to the scalp are wonderful.

Dear cac140! I did not mean to traduce you for that, it was only a suggestion, because the subject you've raised is important enough to have it's own conversation going.

Also, please do worry about the hair loss. Especially, when your are using a new product, it is so important to really watch the reaction you are having.

There are so many posts claiming people have experienced tremendous hair loss because of Wen! I am not about to dismiss this possibility, as I know people may and do have very bad reactions to some ingredients in anything, including foods.

I just don't necessarily believe most of these hair loss claims, because of the way they are presented, and what is being said. I find it hard to believe, that someone would actually continue using a product for years, and continue buying "gallons of it" over and over again, while their hair was "falling out in clamps", and "thinning" till no hair was left! Such claims simply do not have merit in my opinion.

Yes, please do watch your hair's reaction to Wen and watch closely, if the hair loss continues, to see if your reaction to Wen is not adverse. If this is the case, then you know what to do.

But I wish you great luck and success with Wen, and think you are going to be just fine and have a head of healthy shiny Wen Hair!

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Re: Help Using Treatment Oils

Dear sonechko, Don't worry about a thing. You happen to be 100% correct. Starting a new post on this question was my first instinct and I should have went with that. I am new to WEN and really do love it so far. This is a great conversation learning about different ways to use the oils. I think they are fabulous. I've also seen the hair loss issues some people are having. I just figure everyone is different and the positive experiences seem to far outweigh the negative ones and I would find out for myself what WEN was all about. So glad I did. The people here are wonderful and I am learning a lot. I was losing hair prior to using WEN so I don't think it's related at all. For me, it was stress. My hairdresser told me everybody goes through a shedding process from time to time as well. So I will go with the flow and see what happens. Thanks for your kind words and help.