@Allthingsgirly67 - I'm late answering, but maybe this will help a little.
I'm light and warm complected. I ordered Ivory first, because I usually wear the second shade down from the lightest shade (that's my DD - she's "Nicole Kidman" fair and cool). Ivory was way too light for me.
I did a lot of research and decided either 11.5 or 22 was better. So I ordered both! I then went to Blue Mercury to get matched. The two women there disagreed and sent me home with samples of both. I still couldn't decide. So I made a virtual appointment with one of Rose-Marie's team.
She took one look at my makeup-free face and said "22." So that's what I've been wearing. Once in a while I mix them together!
I've been wanting to try the new tinted sunscreen too. Since they have a range including both shades I was thinking about, I may order it!