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Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

So, here's what happened....


I've been using the Bondi Sands tanning foam. My last application was about a week ago and as of this morning I still had some color.  All week I've showered as usual, using some version of Perlier shower gel or cream.  My moisturizer has been something from Perlier, either a lotion or cream.  All has been fine.  This morning, I showered as usual and did my skincare as usual. The only thing different was that I used Tweak'd Above the Clouds All Purpose Rescue Cream as my body moisturizer.  I did my legs, arms, shoulders, and neck and got dressed soon afterwards.  I was wearing capris.  As DH and I were getting ready to leave, thr light outside hit just right and I noticed my ankle looked weird.  Upon closer inspection, I could see all kinds of dark skin balled up and coming off.  When we got to our destination, I got out of the car and looked all my legs.  They are all splotchy with the same dark balled up skin coming off in places.  I didn't even think to check out my neck. But when we met up with our son and 2 yr. old granddaughter, I was holding her and she pointed at my neck and asked, " What's that?"  Yep, more dark balled up skin. Needless to say, I'll be showering again and exfoliating tonight. 

Lesson learned - Don't use Tweak'd Rescue Cream on self-tanned skin. 

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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

Oh noooooo ~ I just ordered it yesterday!!!

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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

@JeanLouiseFinch   Thanks for posting for self tanners....

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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

@JeanLouiseFinch, WOW! Good to know; thank you for that!
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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

@JeanLouiseFinch  I don't self tan, but thanks for posting this and sharing what happen.  I am sure it will be helpful to others.  

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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

As a follow up...


I have a boatload of Tweak'd scalp scrub so I used that as a body exfoliator Saturday night.  I used a very liberal amount and rubbed it around with a terry washcloth.  The only negative is that it left a slippery coating  and made a ring around my tub that I had to clean.  I'm back to a Pale Patty and ready to re-tan sometime today.   

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Re: Heads Up - Tweak’d Rescue Cream & Self Tanned Skin

Sounds like some products just aren't meant to work together. Thanks for the heads up!