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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

Cream blush definitely several times, eye shadows no, I don't tend wear them as often. They seem to bother my eyes. I have dry eye.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

MAC Brulee Satin Taupe and BB naked shadows, BB medium bronzer and Antigua Bronzer. I have purchased them multiple times

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

Completly, like nothing at all left in the pan? No. I have gotten to the point on my Naked 1 palette where one color is just in the corners and almost completely gone.

I only really use 4 colors in that palette and those four are going to need to be replaced. Sadly, my choices are buying an entire new Naked Palette for $52 and letting most colors go to waste in the old AND new palette or buying just the 4 colors I use and a DIY Urban Decay Palette at a cost of $90.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

I have used up a highlight color from Aveda and several tubes of lipstick from Aveda(Bixa). Both were colors I wore on my wedding day. Never used up a blush before, don't think I ever will. I have too much makeup and can't stop myself from buying more, so I rarely use up products.
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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

Yes, it was a Lancôme eyeshadow called Silversmoke Fawn. If I had known it would be discontinued I'd have bought a crate-full. Never have found anything close to it.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

And a blush, Prescriptives Tuscany Apricot, it was perfect for my coloring. Again, discontinued.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

It's a major feat when you do! I almost used an entire BB eye shadow, until it fell out of favor with something else. I ended up throwing out the little that was left.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

Yes, I've used many a taupe Mally shadow stick down to where I dug the excess out of the tube with a Q-tip. I recently tossed a Clinique eye palette because I'd scraped all the shadow out of 3 pans (I didn't like the color in the 4th pan). I don't buy a new eye shadow until I've used all the old shadow.

And I don't use blushes.

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

I am repeat purchaser of Bobbi Brown's Bone eye shadow. I use it almost every single day.

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Re: Have you/do you ever use an entire eye shadow or blush until it's completely gone?

To kill two birds (threads) Smilewith one stone here: if I ever did use up an eyeshadow or lipstick, it would have been when I was a teen and had very little in the way of cosmetics.

I just don't ever get to the bottom of any cosmetic. Skincare is a different story.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland