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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

It's like the weekend everyday around here. So minimal casual hair and lip. Sometimes mascara. Comfy but answer the door acceptable clothes. I like maintaining a baseline standard to feel like I'm taking care of myself. I would only let it all go temporarily if I weren't feeling well.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

A bit of clarification...I am still showering, shaving my legs, wearing "real" clothes, etc.  Just giving my skin and hair a rest with minimal styling and using moisturizer with SPF on my face.  I even started my self tanning regime today!

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

My hair routine amounts to brushing it and I only wear makeup a few times a week so not much for me. If I did wear a lot of makeup I'd probably let my skin "breath" and take a sabbatical. 

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

My life is a perpetual weekend now...I can do as I please and no one cares. I am keeping up with my skin care routine, however.

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

I only wear makeup about once a week anyways.  I'll still shower and do my hair as normal, but I'm putting off doing my roots.

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

I just touched up my roots today. If ever there was a time I am happy that I learned to do my own color, it is now. 

As far as makeup, just a little lipstick, eyebrow makeup. I shower daily so most days I wash my hair too. I enjoy my beauty rituals, so won't stop now...

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

I have long hair that I always wear in a braid or messy bun so still doing that. never been much for make up except a little mascara & lip gloss so still doing that. keep toenails cut short & polished @ all times so still doing that. epilating my legs as needed. & slathering myself head to toe in my latest obsession...Josie Maran's Argan & Honey Divine Drip Duo!! This stuff is AMAZING!! a little goes a long way & my skin literally feels like velvet. Item #a343978, if you're interested.
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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

I wear makeup and fix my hair daily.  Sticking to my regular routine.

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

I don't feel good about myself if not washed, clean hair and dressed.  Makeup is minimal, but there.  


I have never owned a pair of sweat pants.  I can't stand them and feel sloppy wearing them.  I sometimes put on my pj's when I'm home but never sweatpants. 

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Re: Have You Stopped Wearing Makeup and Doing Your Hair

Since working from home,  I am participating in conference calls with video so I am blow drying my hair and wearing minimal makeup.  I am dressing in casual clothing.  No pj's or sweats.  I also am stopping by the office occasionally and running an errand or two.