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After a five week wait, I would not call the old stylist back. I'd find someone within my price range and work with person to create a style that is good for eight weeks. Then I'd remind myself it's only hair and no one else probably even notices whether I'm having a good or bad hair day.

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Depend if I really really liked the stylist.  I would probably keep my appointment with the new stylist just because it's probably really late now to cancel.  Maybe see how that works out?    Maybe she found out raising the prices wasn't such a good idea.  Hmmm....

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@Katcat1 Since it took her 5 weeks to respond, I'd do what someone else suggested.


Go to the new stylist and have her give you a cut that does not require so much upkeep and expense since you are on a budget.


I wouldn't like waiting **5 weeks** for an answer!

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@Katcat1 Go where you can afford. The prices will keep going up . The salons near my home are getting to be like a ghost town. They even took senior discounts off the chart. I can't afford to go anylonger.Some places it's $100.00 dollars.And I don't like sitting there wet head with the draft coming in the door and people looking at me like that. Plus the stylist is always playing with their phones a miss the timer going off if you get hair color put in.

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First of all I'll tell you I'm not good with change, especially in hair stylists. Mine is so good and she listens and my hair always looks good. So my answer is I would stay with my old stylist , and find a way to make it work.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Haircut Dilema

[ Edited ]

Personally, I would not have asked the original stylist to refer another stylist. That was rude IMO.


Go to Great Clips or similar. It is cheaper and yes it can be hit or miss, but i find if you adopt a pretty easy style to work with on your own..anyone would do. I tip 100% and still pay 50% what most people spend.

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@ECBG wrote:

You need to do what you feel comfortable with.


My stylist left town and I was put with a young stylist that cut a lot off!Smiley Sad

@ECBG   I agree with you, stay with what you like.  My girl had shingles which was a month-long deal.  I needed a haircut.  Her partner cut my hair.  It will be 6 months before I will need another one.  It was a chop shop job.



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I think you should go to the new salon.  Waiting 5 weeks to call you back - obviously you are not very important to the hairstylist. 

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@Katcat1 wrote:

Okay, my stylist charged $51 and I would give her either $8 or $9 tip.  The week of Christmas her fee went up to $60 and with tip would be $70.  First of all I am divorced and retired so I don't have a huge income and I have to cap the price of a haircut off somewhere.  I was told by my stylist that the salon works with you if you are not happy with your stylist.  So I sent her a note telling her I am sorry but I can't do $60.  Could she refer to someone.  Never heard from her so today I schedule an appt. at another salon   Guess who calls?  Yes, my old stylist.  Well I don't answer the phone and we are talking 5 weeks that she is getting back to me.  However, I can stay with her at the old price or go with a younger stylist starting out.  What do you think I did?  And, what would you do?  It will be interesting to read your answers and then I will tell you what I did.

@Katcat1   My mani/pedi girl did something similar to me, not with price, but without letting me know she was changing locations.  She changed just after my Christmas visit.  I was not told. 


I had to go in for a chipped nail and was about to attend a New Year's party.  I went in for a quick repair.  I was told she was no longer there.  They did not offer me any information.  I usually go once a month.  I got no call. 


So, two days before I was due to see her, I made an appointment with another lady who had a good business. 


On my way out the door to the new technician, the old one called me and told me of her new location.  I was more than a little offput, so I went to the new one.  Very bad mistake. 


She ruined my nailbeds and I have two nails that are split and when they grow to the finger's edge, they split all the way back.  I have asked doctors what to do about this and was told the nails would have to be removed in order to grow back properly.


I know hair grows back most of the time and nails do too, but in my case my nails will never grow back right.  As for my hair, that was 3 months ago.  I have 3 months to go before I can have it cut so that I don't look like Edward Scissorhand cut it.  

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Re: Haircut Dilema

[ Edited ]

Okay ladies, I decided to go with the new stylist.  Reason being.  If my old stylist would have contacted me at least in 2 weeks of receiviing my note, I would have stayed with her.  I am appreciative to the owner of the salon letting the rate stay the same.  Then I started thinking.  The old stylist gives good cuts but always cut my hair differently.  I do not care for that and told her so.  Another point, some poster @LizzieInSRQ  said I was rude for writing a note to the old stylist.  The old stylist is the one that told me that they make arrangements for customers that want to go to another stylist within the salon so I did not just write a note and I was NOT rude.  I go for cuts every 8 weeks.  I also told the Concierge at the new salon that I left the last salon because of the pay increase and I am on a fixed income and she said if the price was increased, they would make arrangements for me.  What I liked about this salon is it is run by HIspanic husband and wife and there are a mix of ethic backgrounds working at the salon.  Smaller salon and generally outstanding service.  We shall see.  I'll let you know after my cut on Wednesday.

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