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Had a derm appointment yesterday

I had several skin tags frozen off from under my arms as they were starting to get irritated by clothing.  No big deal, just glad I had it done before tank top season is here because the healing is not so attractive 😕


Anyway, we were discussing skin, aging and products.  This is a new derm. She's young as my old derm retired.  Her advice...only so much penetrates the skin.  Skin by nature is designed to keep things out.  It's the protective layer. So depending on what it is, there's at times minimal penetration.  Her advice, keep skin clean with a product that is suited for your skin type (cleanser). All this double and triple cleanse is unnecessary unless you're a "cabaret dancer" with stage make-up.  Toners aren't necessary as what's in them just sits on the surface.  Use a day moisturizer with sunscreen and a night moisturizer.  That's it.  Minimal on the face make-up.  Her opinion was women (and sometimes men too) see what they want to see in the mirror. They swear if they paid 99$ for a cream it's made a difference.  It's at times a mind thing.  Also, Retin A, as we all know is the only thing that can penetrate far enough to slow down those wrinkles.  And Vitamin C is very unstable, so depending on the formulation, a lot of times that too doesn't help.  


But, as we all know too like she mentioned, folks that are junkies with anything won't hear it.  They will continue to spend thousands of dollars on skin care looking for the holy grail, hanging on every word of a beauty blogger, only to age like the rest of us, just like  we "drug store" chicks (and roosters)!

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

Her advice sounds really sensible. Thanks for posting!

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

Derms are just like anyone else...they all have their own opinions. The only difference is that some opinions are based on science while others not so much.

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

[ Edited ]

@bmorechick    Excellent post!  Thank you for sharing your experience with this dermatologist.  I too have been told most of these very same things.  It's very refreshing to find a Dr that's not trying to push their own skincare line.💝

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

@bmorechick   Sounds like you found yourself a very good doctor!


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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

Well, it's nice to see a dermatologist who doesn't think you need to dunk yourself in sunscreen every day.  I do what she says about using a moisturizer with sunscreen in it unless I'm going t be outside, like today, and then i pull out the Sport Face.  I also don't believe in double cleansing.  


I don't think the majoriity of dermatologists even have, much less push, their own skincare line.  I don't often go to one, but from what I've heard, most embrace a simpler is better approach.  

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday old derm pretty much gave the same advice.  


@SilleeMee  Yes, I agree that their advice would probably be based on science for sure and study.  

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

@bmorechick,Thank you so very much for sharin with us. May I ask did she tell  you a good cleaner for washing your face?. Of course being retired now perhaps CeraVe or Cetaphil always seems to top the list. Once again a sincere THANK YOU, Sligo

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday

While my moisturizer isn't quite $99 per jar, it is expensive by my standards.  I don't use a lot of products, but there is a difference between what I use now and the drugstore products I've tried, or even other expensive brands.


I see a difference, but more importantly (to me) is that I feel a difference.  My skin feels like skin, not overly dry or greasy.  It isn't irritated and no longer breaks out.  It feels good--consistently.

If I could get that from a simple drugstore brand, I'd buy it in an instant.

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Re: Had a derm appointment yesterday



Well Written / Said: down to earth advice from your new and young Dermatologist. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💐

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Sir Winston Churchill