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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

On 11/24/2014 Venezia said:
On 11/24/2014 Justice4all said: Great hangers if you don't mind them breaking in half when they fall on the floor!

LOL - mine didn't even "fall on the floor". They just plain broke while hanging on the rail...without any clothes on them. I guess the weight of the air around them was just too much! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Let me be clear: not all of them did but, so far, I've lost at least a dozen this way. Another one snapped the first time I hung one of my DH's shirts on it. I've kept the silver "hooks', trying to think of a way to reuse them!

Thankfully, I have never had any of them break. I have used them to hang some very heavy sweaters and jackets.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2014

Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

I purchased her hangers years ago and they fell apart. I just can't watch her, she is so over the top with 'OH MY GOSH, EXACTLY, OH MY GOSH, EXACTLY, OH MY GOSH" Her face has certainly changed in the last few years. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

Came home to find the over the door hook broken and the clothes a pile of wrinkled rubble. The extra "bonus" things have broken snaps, torn seams, and a collapsible closet shelf thing that dumps the clothes on the floor because it has no structure. The cascading hooks poke bumps into clothing near them and also take up unnecessary space. But the surviving hangers are good on which to dry hand washables, are skinny, and can successfully cascade in a roomy closet. My husband won't use them
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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

I've been using her hangers for years without any breakage. I love them!!!! Yesterday's deal was awesome…..all that for $39.95 and free shipping. Today, the same package is $49.95 plus $9.95 shipping. HSN knows how to do a TS and Joy knows how to make hangers!!!!!!!

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

I think i am the only one that doesn't like these hangers. They are too sticky is the best I know how to state my complaint. It is hard to get clothes on them and hard to get them off. I fine them irritating as heck.

I never put my DH's shirts on them. He tugs on one sleeve to get it off the hanger. If it doesn't come off, he'd keep yanking and probably rip the shirt.

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

I didn't get this special, but I do really like these hangars. I've purchased them through HSN and also Target.

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

I love the ones from Costco. I have had several boxes now, and they have never broken. I'm going to buy one last one. I have all my clothing, and my husband done now. I just need some for coats and jackets. They only come in black. I don't mind. They don't mark the clothing either.

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

On 11/23/2014 MarenSeattle said:
On 11/23/2014 HappyDaze said:

Dang, missed it! Sounds like a great deal even though I wouldn't need all those totes. I wanted to pick up some for my parents too for one of their Christmas presents. Poop.

If I get mad at my S-I-L or niece, you can have theirs! :-)

I think she usually has good deals on HSN, right? Does she have any other kits available?


I am just looking for the regular hangers, not the pants ones but no, all the kits I've bought before aren't on there anymore for some reason. Very few hanger deals are listed right now. Weird. I will keep looking. As soon as new ones are listed, I will order some more. I just love all the nice colors and they give me so much more room in my closet and NO CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR ANYMORE! Yay!

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Re: HSN Huggable Hangers Today's Special

On 11/24/2014 HappyDaze said:
On 11/23/2014 MarenSeattle said:
On 11/23/2014 HappyDaze said:

Dang, missed it! Sounds like a great deal even though I wouldn't need all those totes. I wanted to pick up some for my parents too for one of their Christmas presents. Poop.

If I get mad at my S-I-L or niece, you can have theirs! :-)

I think she usually has good deals on HSN, right? Does she have any other kits available?


I am just looking for the regular hangers, not the pants ones but no, all the kits I've bought before aren't on there anymore for some reason. Very few hanger deals are listed right now. Weird. I will keep looking. As soon as new ones are listed, I will order some more. I just love all the nice colors and they give me so much more room in my closet and NO CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR ANYMORE! Yay!

I noticed a deal of 25(?) for $19.95 no shipping WITH the shiny bag {#emotions_dlg.w00t}, but it has the pants ones, too.

Sounding like Costco might be an alternative? Elegant black. Smile