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Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Guess my Nuface is going back

I have had a horrible migraine for days that I attributed to my issues with my neck. Yesterday I realized that the headache started when I started using the Nuface. Didn't use it yesterday...headache today...gone! Darn, not a slam against the Nuface but I don't think it's going to work for me.
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Registered: ‎03-07-2011

Re: Guess my Nuface is going back

did you read the instructions correctly? i saw immediate results. i have one eye that is a little droopy , and nuface helped to lift it up. can't wait for a week from now to continue to see improvements. it says…no temples and no neck and no eyes... so be careful.

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎06-27-2013

Re: Guess my Nuface is going back

I got a headache from SS facemaster and also from Derma Wand. I called them at the times I had bought them each and was told if headaches kept up to stop and return. The NuFace seems ok and doesn't give me a headache. Are micro current face machines truly safe?

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Registered: ‎10-19-2013

Re: Guess my Nuface is going back

I've read a couple of reviews who had the same reaction -- too bad! Thankfully at least you're able to eliminate the cause!

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎06-27-2013

Re: Guess my Nuface is going back

Sounds like everyone needs to be very careful with using facial machines. I read this on the FDA dot Gov site:

I was using a suzanne somers facemaster, and it hit a nerve on my brow that caused great pain. It did not go away, and so i went to the doctor, and he said i had damaged my trigeminal nerve, and now had trigeminal neuralgia. (b)(4).

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,905
Registered: ‎06-23-2014

Re: Guess my Nuface is going back

Yes I was doing it right and I liked it. Fast and easy. I have a Facemaster and once in awhile I get a headache from that. They do work for me. Ordered the Nuface because it is so much quicker. Can't deal with the time required on the Facemaster. Guess I'm done with this type of device :-( Glitter Angel I do think that is what's causing the problem for me, something associated with the trigeminal nerve. I have spinal issues. Probably because of that. Grr..this getting old c.r.a.p!! :-)