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Posts: 1,588
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Groupon--spend $10 and $20 will be donated to fund bullet and stab proof vests for dogs.

All donations up to $20,000 will be matched by VPI Pet Insurance.

If 101 people donate just $10, this organization can fund one vest.

More than 1,000 people have purchased this Groupon so far.

Six days left to buy as of now.

I realize this thread would be better suited for the Pet board, but this board gets way more air time.

I bought two, for one me and one for my good friend who is a vegetarian and animal lover.

Please consider purchasing. I know I have spent way more than $10 bucks on junk I did not use.

Happy weekend to all (mine starts in just 15 minutes!).