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Posts: 37,012
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Got the Bare Pro mineral

[ Edited ]

I stay in the 'light' family. 

Fair , is for the redheads and really pale folk.

I go next stage down to the 'light' because of the medium blonde hair and I don't do sun, so, I'm on the pale side.  I always used to wear 'creamy natural' in Cover Girl before I went to better quality cosmetics.


When we were on vacation I went to the Bare Mineral outlet at a mall and the woman got me started on 'Bare Shell' I asked her "am I that pale" I had on a litle darker she took that off my face and said this is your shade.

I was in a rut and didn't realize I was that 'pale'. LOL Every since then I've stayed on the lighter side.


according to her and she was a licensed cosmotologist better to err on lighter side then to be a tad to dark , ages you, and you look like a clown

I really recommend folk to go to like Ulta/sephora and get an unbiased opinion on what you REALLY look like. I was wearing a tad to dark foundation. Since I moved to TX I've really make a effort to not get sun damage and I think thru that effort I paled myself down to where I didn't realize I had gotten that light.

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Posts: 8,924
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Got the Bare Pro mineral

@SharkEI purchased #10 cool beige at Ulta and so far I really like it.  I agree with you with if someone is looking for heavy coverage that this is not for them.  I love that you can carry it with  you for touch ups.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 37,012
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Got the Bare Pro mineral

I was pretty confident on the shade family I should stay in and when I got the #9 I wasn't let down. I had already had a consultation with a Bare Mneral rep, and, I've stayed pretty true to her recommendations.


Get an opinion from somebody who is getting paid to sell the product.

Asked my husband who was with me if I was getting that pale he says

"Your old everybody is pale when they're old"



wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm old wahhhhhhhhh