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I just bought a bottle and I love it. It smells a little like the original Tova scent to me. I find that it doesn't have any staying power at all. I know this is true of the Philosophy scents in general but this is the worst one. Any one else find this to be true with this scent?

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Has anyone else tried this fragrance?
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On me the dry down smelled just like Living Grace. I have 2 bottles of the old Tova. Thank goodness they are still good. I can't say that came to my mind when I smelled Giving Grace. I sprayed it on my wrists in the store so I have not tried it in depth.
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I have GG in the new whipped body creme. I like the scent, and in my opinion the scent is plenty strong, and it lasts on me.
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giving grace lasts all day on me. I like it!

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I kind of wish it didn't last so long on me. It makes me sneeze for some reason.

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This has become my fave new Phil scent. It does last all day, into the evening on me, and all I have is the big supersize spray, which I just got my 2nd shipment of. I was going to cancel it because I still have so much in the first bottle, BUT, I like it enough to put it away in my fridge until I need it.

My youngest daughter typically doesn't like Phil scents much, but she fell in love with my Giving Grace when she visited from Pittsburgh in October. I found her a 2 oz. bottle on EBay for Christmas and she was tickled to pieces! Wears it every day.

I have TOVA Signature, too, and to me, GG smells NOTHING like it. One thing I have noticed about it, is that it smells different on me every time I use it, and I LIKE that!!

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I find Giving Grace to be very strong and long lasting! What was weird for me was I was really intrigued by it at first, and liked it. But after wearing it for the first week or so, it seemed to stop smelling good on me ... I guess it just didn't seem to work well with my chemistry {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Although it didn't work for me, I am very happy for those of you that are enjoying it!

Hey Patti, Tissyanne, and Streetangel!

As I'm sure you all know, Philosophy loves to pull the plug on things we love, LOL!! {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes} So if you really enjoy the GG fragrance line, you may want to get out there and stock up before it goes away!

Enjoy your GG!


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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
I just bought a second bottle to have one ahead in case they discontinue it.