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Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

Who has used both, which do you prefer and why? I currently used Bare Minerals but I'm curious about IT. 

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I have used both, and much prefer It Cosmetics. As I got older, BE made me look even older!  It foundation certainly does not cover everything, but it looks more natural on my skin.

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I think IT foundations have better coverage and staying power.  But they can't hold a candle to BE's mascara in my opinion.  

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I have used both and prefer BE.  I put my makeup on in natural light and when I look in the 10x mirror by the window, the BE is invisible but I can see a powdery finish with the IT.  I have also used Summer Bisque as my foundation and it works beautifully and has great coverage!!

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I too have used both and by far and away prefer IT Cosmetics.  I'm 69 years old and use the Illumination Foundation and have never had so many compliments on my skin.

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

Bare Minerals by far!!  It thinks everyone has yellow undertones.  I'm fair with pink undertones and in my 60's.  Love the coverage and natural look of Bare Minerals.

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I also have used both and IT is far better.  I ended up tossing all my BE and switching over to IT. BE settled into my pores and even with primer looked uneven.


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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

I had used BE for 20+ years, friends started to tell me I was looking really dry. Left it behind for IT CC Cream. I mix two colors. I mix Pur Minerals with Celebration Foundation when I go the mineral foundation route. Works far better for me.

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

BE by far. I thinkI It looks dry and powdery. I don't like the coverage. When the It is demoed it looks like a storm cloud flying around and takes a very heavy coat. BE just blends in with little product.

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Re: Foundation: IT vs Bare Minerals

@cac140 wrote:

I think IT foundations have better coverage and staying power.  But they can't hold a candle to BE's mascara in my opinion.  

I used to love BE mascara but it doesn't hold a candle to the new superhelo. Actually that is my current favorite beating out even Chanel and Marc Jacobs.

As for foundations, I would have to go with IT.  I do think  that most powder foundations tend to be aging on skin and that goes for both IT and BE, but the IT CC is great, natural finish and great coverage withoout making the skin look older..