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Posts: 21,570
Registered: ‎03-16-2010



City life.  Sometimes I'm envious and sometimes I'm not.  Home deliveries (other than Amazon) is something I wish we could take advantage of.  But WM pickup has been a blessing.  Food deliveries, we don't have.

Would you feel comfortable mentioning the last name of your SIL?  I'd love to know if we've done work for him.  If not, no problem.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,759
Registered: ‎12-14-2018

Oh sure, it’s Bramlett Custom Homes. We’re looking for jobs (just FYI) 

Let me know...

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,570
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I just asked my husband if he's heard of him.  He hasn't Smiley Sad  The flooring stores DH contracts for are Surfaces, next door to 5 Star Stone (wife owns the flooring store and her husband owns the stone yard), Floorworks across from Cavendars and Builders across from Home Depot.  Builders Carpet and Design just recently sold and the name is "Modern something"


We’re looking for jobs (just FYI) 


I know the feeling.  As self employed building contractors, we're always looking for work.  Thank goodness the COVID situation didn't slow down business in our part of the country.  Texas considered the building industry as "essential workers" and we never skipped a beat except for when my husband got it really soon in early stages and gave it to me :/


Wonder if we've crossed paths in Mercados (g)