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First Fraxel laser treatment today

I went in an hour before the procedure to have the numbing cream applied.  But still hurts!   I got through it somehow, and my dermatologist told me I have a high tolerance for pain.  Most people ask for a break before moving from one area to the next.  


My face feels hot now, and I'm doing the ice packs for 10 minutes every hour or so.  I sure hope this is going to give me great results.


has anyone else had this done?

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

@september Is this a peel or an anti aging treatment...I am sorry but I don't know what it is for.SDo you need more treatments or is it one and done.I hope you aren't in too much pain and that you are happy with the results.

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

It will be a series of 3-5 treatments. Like IPL, which I've had in the past.


This type of treatment targets sun damage, fine lines, and precancerous areas.   


over the last year, I had one squamous cell cancer removed through Mohs surgery, and another area biopsied, that was precancerous.  


so although it's considered cosmetic and I have to pay for it....I'll feel better once the other suspicious areas on my face are gone.  


I have very fair skin, which puts me at greater risk for skin cancers.  

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

I had not heard of this procedure before. Just Googled it true that you have to avoid sun exposure for three months post treatment?  That seems excessive...even with a high SPF you are going to have some sun exposure in your daily life. 


Hope this works out for you....I could not accept that kind of restriction but will ask my esthetician next time I see her what this is.

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

@motherinlaw  I was not told of a three month restriction, but they did put a 45 SPF sunscreen on me before I left today..,...Even tho it was raining like crazy!  

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

I am very eager to hear about your treatment and recovery. My Dr. Wanted me to do thus last year, but my mother was so worked up against it, I did not. 


Good luck. 

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

I had a series of 5 Fraxel lasers almost 10 years ago. I had a lot of sun damage and pregnancy-related hyperpigmentation. I was in my early 40s then. I was extremely happy with my results, and they lasted for a very long time! I'm sure in these almost ten years the procedures have improved as they were pretty new back then. I remember the hour long numbing before the procedure, and how my face was sore and red. Ice packs and lots of should definitely avoid the sun; not just for 3 months, but for as long as you want to maintain your results. Sun exposure again will damage your skin, but obviously your face will be extra sun sensitive for 3 months after your last Fraxel.

I hope you love your results like I did mine. Even these many years later all i needed to do to "refresh" my skin was have a 30% TCA peel.

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

@Haircut100  thanks for your input!  I will have at least 3, but maybe as many as 5 treatments.  

I am always good about sun blocks...either using sunscreen or wide brimmed hats.  I've been this way ever since doing the IPL procedures...that were successful and made my skin look good.  But I believe the laser procedures will do even more.  

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

September, I'm excited for you-but I am put out with insurance.  Living in the sunshine state, malignant melanoma is rampant: it's not unusual to see men missing parts of their ears or deep indentations from Mohs....


You have a history-and yet they won't cover prevention....sigh....



PS, can you ask your doctor if there's a topical anesthetic cream you could use after the next round?


If you have time, check out Solumbra Sun Precautions: it's a line of clothing with SPF built in. I love their hats! QVC started carrying hats with total protection. Maryland's and Land's End have jumped on the bandwagon as well.

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Re: First Fraxel laser treatment today

@Poodlepet2  How I wish insurance paid for at least a part of the cost!   I've had two biopsies on my face in the past year.  One was squamous cell cancer and was removed surgically.  The other was a precancerous lesion.   I'm hoping the laser treatments will target all the other sun damaged areas that are stressing me out.  So even though it's expensive, it will bring me piece of mind.


my day after observation:   Lots of swelling and redness.   I hope things look better tomorrow!