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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin

@SilleeMee wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@LuvSoCal wrote:

For those of you who purchase from All Day Chemist, I'm assuming that you find it to be a reputable retailer selling a genuine product. As soon as I hear "India" I get very skeptical. I know you have recommended this company as a reliable source but I'm not convinced the product is the same as what you would get here. Please educate me. I would rather not have to get a prescription (my derm covered through health insurance is strictly clinical). I would be willing to pay out of pocket for the cost of the Tretinoin but I don't really want to make an appt. with a cosmetic derm. Ordering online would be so much easier.

With ADC, you need to realize that it takes a month to get your order.  The products are legit, and inexpensive, but the shipping is what's high.  Even so, it ends up being a deal for those who are unable to get it locally.  My suggestion ould be to recheck your insurance coverage.  After it not being covered on mine, something changed along the the line and now I can.  My prescription, filled at my local pharmacy, is only $10.  





You still have to go to your doctor to get the Rx for the tret. In my case a visit to my derm is a $75 copay + time and the wait to get there which is usually about 3 weeks around here.

@SilleeMee Yes, but not necessarily. For me, I asked while my NP and I were already speaking on an unrelated, scheduled telephone appointment, so that would have cost me my copay anyway.  She sent the prescription over electronically and Walgreens phoned me within a couple of hours saying it was ready for pickup.  Easy peasy. 

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin

[ Edited ]

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@september wrote:

I have always gotten it from  

I used to get mine from her, but won't order again after she kept my money, never sent the order, wouldn't respond to emails, answer phone calls, or return phone calls. 

I also had issues with  They didn't keep my money, but they wouldn't answer my emails when I was looking for my order.  It took over a month to receive my order with ZERO communication.  @september


I have a script now from my doctor (internist).  My insurance covers. 

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin

OP. think of it as a learning experience. This new doctor has a new perspective on supplements. Ask your doctor how he feels. Just because this new doctor didn't say the things you wanted to hear doesn't mean he's bad. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@september wrote:

I have always gotten it from  

I used to get mine from her, but won't order again after she kept my money, never sent the order, wouldn't respond to emails, answer phone calls, or return phone calls. 

I also had issues with  They didn't keep my money, but they wouldn't answer my emails when I was looking for my order.  It took over a month to receive my order with ZERO communication.  @september


I have a script now from my doctor (internist).  My insurance covers. 

I had the same issue as @San Antonio Gal .  I emailed after not receiving any shipping information in a couple of weeks, and they never responded to my emails. My item did eventually show up but I will not order from them again.

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin



I normally listen to my Drs and if I feel there is a reason to doubt/question them, I'll start on a journey to educate myself further AND take into account what the Dr said.  This time tho, he had no reason to assume my levels were high.  My D3 levels have always been checked during a routine blood workup. This time they were not.  He has NO earthly idea what they are but that didn't keep him from spending an hour of our time talking about it and repeating himself over and over about high Vit D3 levels.  Maybe 5 minutes were spent on dealing with the concerns I was there for.  A white coat and a name on that coat with phd in front of it doesn't mean he's the Dr for me and he most certainly was not.  On he flip side, he told me my cholesterol was high and then went on to spend ZERO minutes on discussing that LOL  I'll spend the next 6 weeks taking 30,000IUs and repeat a blood test.  We will then have something to work off of.  And to whoever mentioned getting a copy of my labs, I have them.  I just haven't taken the time to go over them yet.

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin



Yes, my regular Dr and NPs have had no problem with the 15,000IUs I've been taking for decades and nothing in my blood work indicates it's too high or hurting other organs.  This Dr over-reacted with no evidence (from my bloodwork) to back it up.  We'll retest in 6 weeks.  He had never even heard of MK7-K2.

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin



I don't have a derm.  I will attempt again with my regular physician and ask him if the fact that I have two auto-immune illnesses is something to consider.  I called the pharmacy yesterday to ask about the price.  It was around what you mentioned.  She couldn't quote me a discounted price without a prescription.

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin



Yes, I understand that and would have given what he said more credence if he actually had D3 blood work indicating my levels were too high and harming other organs.  He did not.  D3 wasn't checked and I have no idea why.  And he did not address my high cholesterol.  He was a strange man and appeared to be on some sort of meds that slurred his speech and made him talk very slow and repeat himself.  Not giving him any more chances.  If he was cooking me a ribeye and got it too well done, maybe.  But this is my health.  One strike and he's out.  Luckily, he is not my normal Dr.  I will be calling the office on Monday.  I'd like my regular Dr to look at my labs, and ask for Tret (and question if my health is a factor for prescribing it). 

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin

@monicakm Have you considered going through Curology or Agency?  You send some photos of your skin and they set you up with a derm provider who will recommend the strength of the tretinoin.  There are also a couple of other ingredients that they may mix in like Niacinamide or Azelaic Acid or something for dark spots.


The nice thing is they can give you different strengths than what you can buy from other places.  For example, they can start you out at lower than the mildest you can get from ADC or they can adjust it down if it is too strong for you.  When you increase, they can also increase in smaller increments so there's less chance of irritation.  


I believe both offer a free trial.  The providers are very responsive too.  

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Re: Failed Attempt @ Getting Tretinoin



I have not.  I've heard of Curology but not the other place.  If I get nowhere with my  regular Dr tomorrow, I'll try the avenues you suggested.  Thank you @lkat