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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I keep a different one at the sink for use with makeup removal, and a different one in shower, and I am always trying different brands. 

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I have used Cetaphil or a generic for years. I also like Adrian Arpel's melt-down cleansers from HSN. She has many fragrances like vanilla & argan oil. Right now I am using peach.

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have used Purity for maRe: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I have used Purity for many years. I did try other cleansers but nothing works as well as Purity for me. It doesn't sting my eyes, removes make up, and doesn't dry my skin out.

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I have sooo many!! Mostly from the various beauty boxes I have ordered in the past. I am on a mission to use them up. It's pretty easy when they are in tiny amounts--But if I had that 32 oz of Purity--geez--that would take me years to go thru!! and I switch every few months too. but I won't buy huge amounts any more--may cost a little more but in the long run--would rather use them up than toss them

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I have used only one cleanser since 1993.


Principal Secret Advanced 4 in 1 cleanser. It has done a fabulous job for me for 30 years. My face is in great shape. No way would I try anything else.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

For quite a long time, I stuck to just one cleanser.  It has worked very well for me.  However, I wanted to try some different ones.  For the time being, I have found that if I switch off and on with several different ones, it seems to work better for me.  For instance if I have a dryer day, I will use a more moisturizing cleanser.  I have about 5 or 6 that I switch off and on with.  How about you???  

@AngelPuppy1  I used to try different things but now I mostly stick to the same things. They work well. I've got combination skin and use SKINN AM/PM Cleansers. I also use a Micellar water wipe to remove my makeup before cleansing. I like to remove my makeup soon after getting home from work but I'm not ready to do my evening cleanse at that time.

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I use the bubbles from the Philosophy Shower Gel or the Beekman Hand and Body Wash Pure variety.


Clean loufah, make a ton of bubbles when I first get in the shower, then use just the bubbles with my hands on my face. My skin is SO sensitive I've given up using any physical washing method...too irritating


 I don't wear makeup so there's none of that to remove.


In the morning I use just plain warm water. This has been a terrible year for allergies. I've used these soaps for years and sure hope it's not one of them causing the irritation. I switched out each for a month and nothing changed.


I'm thinking of just going to good ole Ivory Soap. 


I cringe in pain when I see those physical means of cleaning one's face....the twirling swirling abrasive tools....yikes!!!

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

@gidgetgh wrote:

I have used only one cleanser since 1993.


Principal Secret Advanced 4 in 1 cleanser. It has done a fabulous job for me for 30 years. My face is in great shape. No way would I try anything else.

I feel like you do, @gidgetgh !

No way, except the [most unusual] time I ran out, and couldn't find anything comparable!

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

Purity takes off my eye makeup when I work, so I just use it daily.

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Re: Facial Cleansers - Do you stick to one or do you have a variety you use?

I have super sensitive skin so once I find a cleanser that works for me then I stick with it. I used Purity for many years and then the formula changed slightly and my skin reacted. I finally found Lancer and that works well for me and is quick. It really improved my skin so I happy with the results.