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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

[ Edited ]

@Q4u wrote:

Extremely interesting.... thank you for sharing.  I gave WEN a good few months of my money and time and developed a thin spot on top (that has since grown back in- took a year).


What is so very interesting to me is that there are so many customers who not only swear by the product but stand behind Chaz with a deeply furvent (if not angry) determination.  I believe it works for them. I have no doubt.... but there are also many, many of us that it doesn't work and has given us problems. Oh, it gave me a full 30 days of incredible bounce and body and then it started getting greasy looking, flat and separating even using a clarifying shampoo occasionally.  It definitely isn't for me and not for a lot of people.... and in some the damage has been horrifying.




The federal law designed to ensure that personal care products -- a category that includes hair care products -- are safe has remained largely unchanged since 1938. The FDA does not require safety testing of personal care products before they are put on the shelf. And because the loophole-riddled federal cosmetics law permits companies to keep customer injury complaints secret from the agency AND THE PUBLIC, the FDA was not notified of the scope of WEN's problems.


It’s no surprise then that poorly formulated products like WEN create an avalanche of adverse health reactions for thousands of people. This is yet another example of how desperately our federal cosmetic regulations need to be reformed.

We stand behind him because it works for us, simple as that and the majority doesn't have any bad effects. None. zero. My hair shedding stopped after using it and now have new hair growth in my hairline. Just as those that have had bad results from it ask us to not judge than those of us that have had amazing results request the same thing. We wouldn't use it and pay the expensive price unless it worked. Pantene makes my hair fall out by the bucket loads and there are many complaints online about it. Don't go around questioning those that love Pantene, scratch my head at people becoming judgy over WEN. Also bet most big cosmetic/beauty companies (yes Pantene P&G  has been sued) have been sued. WEN is being diaplayed on entertainment news and well entertainment news always causes reactionary responses.

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

[ Edited ]


Did your hair grow back?


What shampoo and conditioner are you using now?

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

@hopi wrote:


Did your hair grow back?

Yes, my hair is back to normal.... took about a year.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

@segrl21 wrote:

@Q4u wrote:

Extremely interesting.... thank you for sharing.  I gave WEN a good few months of my money and time and developed a thin spot on top (that has since grown back in- took a year).


What is so very interesting to me is that there are so many customers who not only swear by the product but stand behind Chaz with a deeply furvent (if not angry) determination.  I believe it works for them. I have no doubt.... but there are also many, many of us that it doesn't work and has given us problems. Oh, it gave me a full 30 days of incredible bounce and body and then it started getting greasy looking, flat and separating even using a clarifying shampoo occasionally.  It definitely isn't for me and not for a lot of people.... and in some the damage has been horrifying.




The federal law designed to ensure that personal care products -- a category that includes hair care products -- are safe has remained largely unchanged since 1938. The FDA does not require safety testing of personal care products before they are put on the shelf. And because the loophole-riddled federal cosmetics law permits companies to keep customer injury complaints secret from the agency AND THE PUBLIC, the FDA was not notified of the scope of WEN's problems.


It’s no surprise then that poorly formulated products like WEN create an avalanche of adverse health reactions for thousands of people. This is yet another example of how desperately our federal cosmetic regulations need to be reformed.

We stand behind him because it works for us, simple as that and the majority doesn't have any bad effects. None. zero. My hair shedding stopped after using it and now have new hair growth in my hairline. Just as those that have had bad results from it ask us to not judge than those of us that have had amazing results request the same thing. We wouldn't use it and pay the expensive price unless it worked. Pantene makes my hair fall out by the bucket loads and there are many complaints online about it. Don't go around questioning those that love Pantene, scratch my head at people becoming judgy over WEN. Also bet most big cosmetic/beauty companies (yes Pantene P&G  has been sued) have been sued. WEN is being diaplayed on entertainment news and well entertainment news always causes reactionary responses.

And supporting Chaz is fine especially when the product has been successful. I was more or less referring to those who are so incredibly angry about anyone saying anything negative about WEN when obviously it hasn't worked for everyone, there even seems to be a larger than normal percentage of people even on these boards that have complained about WEN.  It'll be interesting to see where this goes and how many people have ultimately been affected.  BTW, I saw a news report recently on the National News....  if all this eventually results in laws governing the manufacturing and disclosure of ingredients (of whomever makes whatever).....I'm all for it.

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

@Q4uI have no doubt some users found allergies.  I am glad to hear you stopped using the WEN and that your hair regrew --and yes, I think it would take 8 months or even longer as it did for you to regrow.


Still, that doesn't mean millions of WEN users aren't getting good results.


I'm allergic to penicillin - found out the hard way.  And now, almost 60 years after that discovery, I still ask about the ingredients in scripts before I leave the doctor's office.  It's in my charts, but those office visits are so crammed, I just like to add a layer of protection.


And my allergy doesn't mean others don't get good results and that the med can and should be available.


I did read that article, but I don't know that organization and I'll need to see way more in the courts to decide what I believe about the overall WEN issue, but if I had your kind of experience I wouldn't be buying Wen.


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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

@millieshops wrote:

@Q4uI have no doubt some users found allergies.  I am glad to hear you stopped using the WEN and that your hair regrew --and yes, I think it would take 8 months or even longer as it did for you to regrow.


Still, that doesn't mean millions of WEN users aren't getting good results.


I'm allergic to penicillin - found out the hard way.  And now, almost 60 years after that discovery, I still ask about the ingredients in scripts before I leave the doctor's office.  It's in my charts, but those office visits are so crammed, I just like to add a layer of protection.


And my allergy doesn't mean others don't get good results and that the med can and should be available.


I did read that article, but I don't know that organization and I'll need to see way more in the courts to decide what I believe about the overall WEN issue, but if I had your kind of experience I wouldn't be buying Wen.


I'm sorry if I've given the impression that I don't feel that there are millions of successful users, I'm sure there are.  But I also feel that those that have had problems with the ingredients are far larger than they know, at least at this point.  Time will tell. I also have nothing against Chaz nor wish him any ill will....  

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

When I read articles about products I always wonder about the source. Who funds them, how "scientific" is their research? Anyone can say anything about anything. The question  to be asked, first, is "Is it a credible source?" My problem is I don't know.  And, I don't know who speaks for the common man, me, using terms and language I understand.  I am not qualified to digest scientific information and lists of strangely named ingredients in order to understand whether something I put on my body will cause me harm.  I am not capable of figuring out most labels and I don't know who to ask.

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

I see that posters are suggesting more stringent regulations on the cosmetic industry. I'd add the same for the burgeoning nonmedical supplement and "natural" remedies industry.


But good luck getting anywhere with such a campaign, given the political distaste for regulation based in part on ideology but primarily based on the adept lobbying skills by the industries that would be affected.


They'll cry "unfair burden" and with cash in hand will usually get their way, which means business as always.

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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

Wow!  THAT IS a scary article!  I've never used WEN, but I'm just wondering if it's manufactured in China.  




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Re: Extremely informative article on Wen ingredients and lack of regulation!

[ Edited ]

This article provides not a shred of specific evidence that Wen causes hair loss.  Further, nothing it mentions about this lawsuit indicates what IF ANY proof these plaintiffs have to support their claim that Wen caused baldness.


I saw a couple of the photos in a story about the lawsuit.  As someone who's suffered from alopecia areata intermittently for over 25 years, I can say those bald spots look exactly like alopecia areata, which is not caused by Wen. Luckily, only in one case did I have bald spots that weren't covered by the rest of my hair.


When will Chaz strike back at these claims for which I've yet to see any substance beyond the 100% baseless theory that using Wen instead of a regular shampoo "suffocates the follicles."  A-B-S-U-R-D!