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Everything Bobbi- A Bobbi Brown Blog

From K. J. Bennett blog

Bobbi Brown is expanding her social media presence with Everything Bobbi, a blog/online magazine scheduled to go live on Sept.7.

The blog will reflect things that interest Brown — videos, events, product inspiration stories, recipes, Q&As with people she admires –
“It’s always been my fantasy to be an editor at a magazine, to be able to tell the story my way,” Brown admitted. “This lets me do it. It isn’t about e-commerce — we direct back to our Web site for that — but more about how you can achieve realistic beauty, what inspires me, and things like that.”

Engagement is more than just putting up a static site, noted Donald Robertson, senior vice president, creative development, for Bobbi Brown and the architect behind the blog. “It’s not good enough to put your face online — you have to be human online,” said Not only that, he said, to reach younger users, it’s essential to utilize social media, with Tumblr gaining ground with many. “Teenagers don’t buy Seventeen magazine anymore — they make their own magazine on Tumblr,” said Robertson, citing his 15-year-old daughter as an example. “And there’s no excuse to go slow. Content, above all, is the most important asset.”

The brand also did a lot of “social listening” — monitoring Brown’s Twitter and Facebook feeds to hear what fans most wanted to hear from Brown.
Robertson noted that embedded tracking software will allow Brown and the team to see where users are spending the most time on the blog — which in turn, will shape content decisions. “It’s a living, breathing thing that will morph and change,” he said. The blog will update three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In addition to the blog launch, the company has changed its main twitter handle from @AskBobbiBrown to @BobbiBrown, where the brand will feature more brand news, makeup tips, behind the scenes tweets and tweets from Bobbi. @AskBobbiBrown will remain active for customer service questions only.