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Registered: ‎11-20-2012

Does anyone use Emu oil? What does it do for your skin?

What oils have improved your skin? Please describe.


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That's been around for years.

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Posts: 341
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It's actual oil from the Emu bird....therefore the bird is deceased. I used to use it until I realised this. (many years ago). It is a fab oil that carries any additive ""to the bone"" as I was told.It penetrates the skin that deeply. You can google it.

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Posts: 201
Registered: ‎03-29-2014
It is a wonderful oil for many different issues. Please google it, I would tell you all about it but it's been a while since I have read up on it.
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Registered: ‎02-05-2014

I do not know all the benefits but it is very helpful for burns and skin irritation. I do remember that it does absorb to the bone level. As you probably know I love, love Rose Hip Oil and Tea Tree Oil. RHO makes my skin soft and brighter plus it helps a lot with any scars. TTO makes my pores smaller and keeps me blemish free. Plus I put it on cuts etc... I have a spot on my stomach where the cat scratched me and I forgot about it. When I saw it it looked infected so I put Neosporin on it and then tea tree. After that I put just tea tree and rose hip and now the spot is gone with no scar. I also use argon and maracuja. I only use the maracuja because it comes in a roller ball which is super convenient.