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Re: Early morning routine help

I sympathize with you. I'm menopausal as well. I get up at 3:50 to be at work at 7. My commute is less than 30 minutes however. Since I'm 56 now, everything is harder. Makeup ( 🥴) is fun if it's not hard to do. Textured skin, lines, pores, eye makeup is the worst to do. I move slower now too.
So I was wondering if you had considered having your hair professionally relaxed? That would smooth the back that's so kinky curly and having that done along with a good deep conditioning treatment would last a good 6 weeks and might make that part of your routine much easier.
I don't know if you are resistant to taking a nighttime supplement to help you sleep. I haven't read all the posts, sorry. My DH takes a supplement from GNC called Relaxium Sleep. They are vegan, drug free and non habit forming. He swears they are the best he's ever taken to help him fall asleep and stay asleep.
I hope you find a solution. I have to get up early too and it's not fun.
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Re: Early morning routine help

@Midmod wrote:
I sympathize with you. I'm menopausal as well. I get up at 3:50 to be at work at 7. My commute is less than 30 minutes however. Since I'm 56 now, everything is harder. Makeup ( 🥴) is fun if it's not hard to do. Textured skin, lines, pores, eye makeup is the worst to do. I move slower now too.
So I was wondering if you had considered having your hair professionally relaxed? That would smooth the back that's so kinky curly and having that done along with a good deep conditioning treatment would last a good 6 weeks and might make that part of your routine much easier.
I don't know if you are resistant to taking a nighttime supplement to help you sleep. I haven't read all the posts, sorry. My DH takes a supplement from GNC called Relaxium Sleep. They are vegan, drug free and non habit forming. He swears they are the best he's ever taken to help him fall asleep and stay asleep.
I hope you find a solution. I have to get up early too and it's not fun.

@Midmod  THANK YOU (more than you know) for your reply, after reading so many replies I got the feeling I was the only one spending so much time getting ready, when I'm getting ready it doesn't feel like I'm taking that long, I'm hurring the entire time which then jacks up my HR and my anxiety, now that I'm in menopuase if I try to hurry it gives me anxiety - I really hate this!!  I have never considered relaxing it but maybe I'll look into that, very good suggestion and thought, I've never done anything chemically to my hair (as an adult anyways) when I was a teen I permed my hair like everyone else did HAHA but thankfully I don't have gray hair yet - oh gawd just the thought of adding coloring onto everything else, I am SO not looking forward to those days, I'm hoping maybe I can retire before that starts and if retired I may not color my hair at all, depends on how the gray comes in.


Oh - sleep - I've tried every supplement the big A sells and then some, I've finally found a mix of things that work, I swear I take 4 things to help me sleep and reduce anxiety at night, I'm hoping I only have to take stuff until I am through this dang storm part of life. I will for SURE check out what your husband gets from GNC, I've never heard of it so it might be another option for  me to cycle in. I sorta cycle things or my body gets used to them and stops working.  Thank you for taking time to reply and help, I truly appreicate it!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎08-26-2023

Re: Early morning routine help

Hi @SandGirl,
The first one I got is called “The Brush Crush Heated Straightening Brush”. It’s for use on dry hair. The one I have for wet hair is called “The Double Shot Oval Blow Dryer”. I got them both at Nordstrom during their anniversary sale in July, two different years. They came in a kit with some styling products. I’ve noticed that Macy’s has had Drybar items in some of their beauty sales. Today when I looked up the names of these tools there were some good prices on the Drybar site. I get stuff like this wherever I find the best price.

Your sleep concerns and discomfort sound so distressing. My heart goes out to you. There is no substitute for good, solid sleep. I encourage you to talk to your doctor about this if you haven’t already. There is a lot of help available to relieve menopausal symptoms. Especially with your challenging schedule it could make a world of difference if you could get some good rest.

I’m wishing you the best!

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Re: Early morning routine help

@Kaf2 wrote:
Hi @SandGirl,
The first one I got is called “The Brush Crush Heated Straightening Brush”. It’s for use on dry hair. The one I have for wet hair is called “The Double Shot Oval Blow Dryer”. I got them both at Nordstrom during their anniversary sale in July, two different years. They came in a kit with some styling products. I’ve noticed that Macy’s has had Drybar items in some of their beauty sales. Today when I looked up the names of these tools there were some good prices on the Drybar site. I get stuff like this wherever I find the best price.

Your sleep concerns and discomfort sound so distressing. My heart goes out to you. There is no substitute for good, solid sleep. I encourage you to talk to your doctor about this if you haven’t already. There is a lot of help available to relieve menopausal symptoms. Especially with your challenging schedule it could make a world of difference if you could get some good rest.

I’m wishing you the best!

@Kaf2   Thank you again, I will for sure watch for the sales. Macy's has good beauty sales if you can catch them, the products with them would be a bonus. I may get my hair cut to just below shoulders and try the double shot brush you are talking about, I think maybe I could "try" straight one day or a little bounce at the end then maybe add some light waves the next day on 2nd day hair and then maybe on 3rd day I can pin my side sweep back and then start tthe process over again. You have really helped more than you know.


Yes, the sleep is awful, I have been to 7 diff. Drs (OBGYN, 2 Sleep Drs, dones the sleep test, Endocrinologist, Hormone specialist, got allergy testing done and of course my family Dr) THANK GOD I HAVE GOOD MEDICAL!!! All say it's the anxiety and menopause, I am currently taking a hormone cream that is helping a little, I'm hoping over time it will help even more, time will tell. 

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Registered: ‎03-28-2010

Re: Early morning routine help

[ Edited ]

You are right about the anxiety. I'm like you, I don't feel the time going by and I also try to hurry as well. But the time just flies by. I do all I do just to feel put together. What may work for some doesn't work for me. I work with many women who are not concerned that they look sleep deprived in that their skin and makeup and hair reflect that but I'm like you; I want to look well maintained. I can't remember if you said where you live but maybe you could invest in salon with a stylist to help you with your hair making it easier and more manageable. I hope you can find something that works for you. I'm so happy my drive is fairly easy; yours sounds like a pain.
You are not alone sister. Hopefully you'll come through this time hormonally and your sleep will get better. I pray it will for you. 🙏
Please take care and check in when you are able.

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Re: Early morning routine help

You poor thing! I can see how it would disrupt the amount of sleep you get/need. I have two suggestions....just a couple of things I've learned over the years.


Unless you have really oily hair, I'd suggest you stop washing your hair every morning. I used to spend an hour every morning doing that when I was working until the last month before I retired. I bought a styling wand - the kind that has the short little teeth on the wand - Calista to be specific. My hair is not oily so I really don't need a daily wash/dry. I learned to use the wand without getting my hair tangled. I use it on my dry hair and learned how long to hold it curled (8 seconds) for each clump of hair I'm doing. I can stick a curler in after the Calista to hold the curl while I finish. Just consider not washing it every single morning - it will still look nice once you find a different technique to get the same look you want.


The other thing is not what you want to hear, but I'd definitely consider cutting your hair shorter - even a couple of inches would help with getting it dry. Your husband may like it longer, but he's not the one dealing with it every day. I hope you'll be open minded and consider some of the suggestions you're getting here! Best of luck to you!

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Re: Early morning routine help

@SandGirl  I reread your OP and was wondering why you dislike your hair pulled back. You said you don't like a you style it in a high or low one? I prefer a low one on me. I make sure it has a precise middle or side part and brushed extremely smooth (think ballerina style). I then  use pretty hair bands and pay special attention to my makeup (emphasize eyes or lips). I love wearing m hair pulled back because then I can have fun wearing my big gold hoops or gold or diamond studs that aren't really noticeable when I wear my hair down. It can look quite sophisticated/professional.