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Dr. Dray, the You Tube dermatologist, modeled swimwear she recently purchased on a recent video.  I know some of the posters were concerned that she was anorexic, but I think she looks great in these photos.  She is slender and has always been so because she's a marathon runner, former ballerina,  and works out daily. 




dray 2.jpg

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Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She looks fine, a little thin....but fit

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Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

I agree she is a little too "boney thin" for a really healthy look to me.  But not to the point of an eating disorder...yet.  

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Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She is beautiful.  Those ballerinas are the most discipline .  It will follow her through life.  She is lovely.

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Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

Why is she modeling THIS? I do not get it.


She is anorexic...most ballerinas are...and anorexics workout all the time...look at her stick arms.  Now she is modeling? OK.....😄

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Registered: ‎01-22-2016

Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She looks sickly....

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Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

I rarely if ever comment on someone's weight but these few isolated photos do not tell the entire story. Swollen salivary glands, the downy hair on her body and her orothorexic grocery shopping? Add to that the gray skin often bordering on the palor of a very sick person? Exercising with obsession ...all red flags that something just isn't right.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She has the body of a prepubecent teen and not in a good way

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Registered: ‎07-16-2012

Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She should have a fellow dermatologist check out that mole on her left thigh. 




Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,616
Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Re: Dr. Dray Models Swimwear

She looks malnourished.