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Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Thought I'd ask some of you who are more beauty-experienced than I am. I use powder blush (and a face powder compact for shiny nose later in the day), and the center of the compact ALWAYS wears away first, leaving the product just around the edges. I don't want it to be vice versa (edges wearing away leaving a patch in the center), LOL...just wish I knew if there's a way to use the powder more evenly!

I've tried many times to swish the brush all over the powder area, but I still can't get the product to wear away evenly. Any tips? or does this happen for everyone?

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Yes! Like you, I try to be an even swisher, but it doesn't make a difference.
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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Absolutely! even my cream foundation compact. That's just how things go...............

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Edges wearing away leaving a patch in the center? That made me laugh! {}

But yes, my powder compacts wear away in the middle first. They always have. I never really thought about that before.... but it makes sense. I know that lipsticks wear away differently depending upon how you apply them over and over. I hate when I use my powder or blush compact for so long that it starts to break up and crumble. Then I know it's almost time to buy a new compact.

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Thanks, Ladies - glad to know I'm not alone! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

After I posted this, I did some more's hard to put the right words into a search to get my question across! I did find a blog post somewhere which showed a way to "re-unite" (so to speak) the broken pieces of a compact powder, like if you drop it and it breaks into pieces.

She said put some (I think she said "a few drops") of regular rubbing alcohol into the compact container, and it will start to blend with the powder pieces, making a sort of paste. Moosh it together and then re-spread the contents in the container. She said you could use the back of a spoon to smooth it out if you want, and then let it dry.

She said it doesn't look "pretty," but the photo she showed looked like it was an effective, usable product afterward. I kinda think that by the time my compacts get so worn away in the middle, they've probably become old enough that I should throw them away anyway, and I'm not sure how sanitary the end product would be with her technique....but, still, might be worth a try if you have a blush color you LOVE that's been discontinued (my usual problem!) or very expensive product that you don't want to waste if you've broken it before it's done its time!

Thanks again for the input!

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Thank you for the tip.

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

I use a lancome compact and it always wears in the middle leaving a big hole. I just use the outside until I get to the mall to buy another. I usually don't use it till it's all gone.

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

I think this happens to everybody. I do my best to use all the powder I can, right to the edges, but inevitably I reach a point where I can't swish up enough to provide good coverage, and then it's time for a new compact.

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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Thanks for the info, august! Yes, this issue happens to me as well. The breaking away/crumbling part is very annoying--especially with how much we all spend on products. One would think with all the technology available things could improve. Maybe we girls could invent something! LOL!
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Re: Do your powder compacts wear away in middle first?

Me too! I think that's why a few companies "dome" their powders, but mine are all flat, with a nice, shiny bald spot in the center where I hit pan! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}