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Thank you all.  I have always used just scented soaps and lotions.  I have always worked at places that have a no scent policy and I have carried that policy into my personal life.


I really don't want to cause anyone discomfort.


I am still on the fence.  We shall see how long I can hold out.

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I do, almost every day even when i am not planning to leave home. I wear a iight fragnance on work days (Jour de Hermes Absolou) and on weekends I might wear something with more sillage. 


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You should absolutely treat yourself and, in turn, I’m sure everyone around you will be treated as well.


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I wear perfume every time I leave the house, even if it's just to Walmart, the post office, or wherever. I love it! I was an Uber driver for the last 3 years and got tons of compliments. If it bothered anyone, no one ever said anything, and believe me when I say riders are brutal, and if it bothered them, it would show in low ratings! I like to wear Tova Signature and Nest's Midnight Fleur, both purchased at QVC. I don't drive anymore, and seldom leave the house, but when I do, it's full make up, hair, and perfume!

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I love fragrances, but unfortunately am allergic to most of them. However, I can wear the Demeter brand with no problem and have quite a collection. I wear whatever appeals to me that day.


For medical, dental, or other appointments, I spray on a few small spritzes of Demeter's Pure Soap. It smells exactly like Ivory Soap and like you just stepped out of the shower -  clean and fresh.



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Fragrance is a passion of mine.  I have the nose of a blood hound and how a place or person smells is the first thing I notice.  The only thing I purposely buy UNscented is bath soap and deodorant as I don't want those interfering with my perfume and scented lotions.  Yes, I wear fragrance every day.  The last thing I do at night is spritz on a little fragrance.  It has to be something conducive to sleep.  I have and love Miss Dior Bloom but can't wear it to bed.  Too "bright".  I wear this mostly for my husband.  I prefer deeper, richer, vanilla, sandalwood and amber based scents.  THANK goodness I'm not at all sensitive to fragrance!  I appreciate passing someone in the store and being treated to a whiff of loveliness and it's eons better than being met with a whiff of cigarette smoke or last night's pot roast Smiley Surprised


If money isn't an issue and you love it, by all means treat yourself Smiley Happy  Why wouldn't you?  


If I could only take 3 beauty products to a deserted island, it would be mascara, lipgloss and perfume.  Same three things I never leave the house without.  I go days without leaving the house but I always like to smell good Smiley Happy



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Yes, whenever I leave the house. Right now I'm trying to use up my WEN 613 parfum. I like the scent but it fades very quickly! Not worth what I paid for it on QVC, that's for sure! I find the same "fading" issue with Philosophy perfume (Amazing Grace) which I love but it doesn't last so for me, it's not worth the cost! I still have a brand-new unwrapped bottle of "Now and Forever" which was Joan Rivers' beautiful scent and I recently purchased the NandF Body Lotion. I'm hoarding the perfume since it is no longer available!!! I've used it and adored it in the past and I wish it was still available!!
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Not always, but I like it. I tend to use creams or lotions, and apply them as you would sachet.

I used to work with a man way back in the '70s who'd douse himself in Polo. (Personally, I never cared for that cologne.) Everyone thought maybe he had stock in Ralph Lauren lol.

Thankfully, not everyone confuses a HINT with a HIT.

What worries you masters you.
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Good perfumes are xpensive, but I think if its one you really love, and really, how often do we buy ourselves perfume anyway?, you should buy it.  They last for such a long time, a spritz here a spritz there.


I don't wear perfume everyday.  I can't stand anything that is too sweet or heavy or anything rose or too floral.  I prefer a clean citrus.  The perfume I want is by Prada and seems to only be sold at Nordstrom.  It is based on orange notes and is $165.  Like you, I think about it and think about it, but haven't justified spending that much $$ on a perfume.  It's not like I'm young and going out all the time.  I think if you are a social person you'd have more reason to justify the purchase price of the perfume you love.

Flowers are nature's way of laughing
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I rarely wear perfume any longer but I used to wear Marilyn Miglin Pheromone that I loved. I would wear it again if I had some. When I was in Chicago once she had a shop there but was closed that day.


I had one specialist that hung a sign at the office -- no perfumes of any kind.