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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

I don't believe any spokes woman celebrity uses the products they are paid to endorse.


If you see in magazines what they list that they use they are things like La Mer, Cle de Peau ect.

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

[ Edited ]

@Witchy Woman wrote:

I was just having lunch and saw this commercial. 




I find celebs pushing any product a complete turnoff and go out of my way to NOT use whatever it is they are selling.  Who cares what they say/think/use?  Not me.


However, at 66 I doubt I'm in their target audienceCat LOL


Same for me, @Witchy Woman -  any celebrity pushing/creating/owning skincare is an immediate turn-off. I won't even listen, or try it out of curiosity. It does not seem genuine to me, and probably - not good.


I also mistrust skincare lines sold by doctors..... it may be good, maybe not, does not matter - I do not like them "doctors" using this respected and honorable profession hawking skincare goods. If they are real good knowledgeable doctors, why don't they care to practice medicine?


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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman


So who do you trust or by from? Since most people create or promote a product for profit? Do you make your own products? I mean, every item on shelf is not a non profit organization....

Pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, beauty brands....

Also, not saying this is necessarily the case with everyone but what about someone's passion to create a product with results (doctors) who may have inside information or experience that might provide the consumers a valued product?
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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

[ Edited ]

@NativeJax wrote:

So who do you trust or by from? Since most people create or promote a product for profit? Do you make your own products? I mean, every item on shelf is not a non profit organization....

Pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, beauty brands....

Also, not saying this is necessarily the case with everyone but what about someone's passion to create a product with results (doctors) who may have inside information or experience that might provide the consumers a valued product?

@NativeJax,  I stated MY own preferences only, no where it was said  - this should be the truth for everyone. Why would I imply that?  There is not much to argue about -  I have my own preferences/likes/dislikes and you of course, have yours.


But since there are questions marks in your reply, I'll try to explain  just a little.


Yes! I do perfectly understand for "profit" thing, I tell you even more - I too do NOT work for free, believe it or not. Cat Happy I work for profit!


I personally use skincare from a family business, with it's own chemical lab, research, formulating, production line, distribution and advertising, all is owned and operated by two scientists with 20-some years of experience formulating skincare, plus degrees in bio-chemistry.

They do not hire celebrities, do not even use models during the presentations on the shopping channel they also sell.


They have passion, integrity, also great customer service. For me personally - this is just right combination, and their products just happen to work for me beautifully over time.


I am NOT saying, every one should run and start using this line - No! I am saying - find you own that you are able to TRUST. Whatever your reasons for trust to company may be.  Or trust the Art of Advertising, because everyone is doing just that, and the models are gorgeous.


Doctors too are totally free and can drop practicing medicine for whatever their reason may be - don't like it, tired, bored, or not good at it - anything may be their valid reason.


If a doctor suddenly discovered new passion, dropped medical practice to develop a "valued product" - they can!


I never said doctors can't do this I said I mistrust doctors who do. Their products may be good, maybe not, does not matter to me - I do not like "doctors" using this respected and honorable profession as advertising of skincare.


@NativeJax!  In my previous post I said "I", and not You or Anyone else. No one must share my point of view. But it works just fine for me.

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

I meant "you" figuratively....

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

@sonechko wrote:

@NativeJax wrote:

So who do you trust or by from? Since most people create or promote a product for profit? Do you make your own products? I mean, every item on shelf is not a non profit organization....

Pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers, beauty brands....

Also, not saying this is necessarily the case with everyone but what about someone's passion to create a product with results (doctors) who may have inside information or experience that might provide the consumers a valued product?

@NativeJax,  I stated MY own preferences only, no where it was said  - this should be the truth for everyone. Why would I imply that?  There is not much to argue about -  I have my own preferences/likes/dislikes and you of course, have yours.


But since there are questions marks in your reply, I'll try to explain  just a little.


Yes! I do perfectly understand for "profit" thing, I tell you even more - I too do NOT work for free, believe it or not. Cat Happy I work for profit!


I personally use skincare from a family business, with it's own chemical lab, research, formulating, production line, distribution and advertising, all is owned and operated by two scientists with 20-some years of experience formulating skincare, plus degrees in bio-chemistry.

They do not hire celebrities, do not even use models during the presentations on the shopping channel they also sell.


They have passion, integrity, also great customer service. For me personally - this is just right combination, and their products just happen to work for me beautifully over time.


I am NOT saying, every one should run and start using this line - No! I am saying - find you own that you are able to TRUST. Whatever your reasons for trust to company may be.  Or trust the Art of Advertising, because everyone is doing just that, and the models are gorgeous.


Doctors too are totally free and can drop practicing medicine for whatever their reason may be - don't like it, tired, bored, or not good at it - anything may be their valid reason.


If a doctor suddenly discovered new passion, dropped medical practice to develope a "valued product" - they can!


I never said doctors can't do this I said I mistrust doctors who do this. Their products may be good, maybe not, does not matter to me - I do not like "doctors" using this respected and honorable profession as advertising of skincare.


@NativeJax!  In my previous post I said "I", and not You or Anyone else. No one must share my point of view. But it works just fine for me.

So you use Isomers? I like a lot of her products as well......

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

I do, @CANDLEQUEEN. Works for me very well. Not saying there is nothing else out there.... just I have not found anything that works better for me personally and over time

I am also curious about Asian skincare, since it has different from Western, and would like to try their essenses maybe....just to see what they are talking about.

But I know nothing about Korean or Japanese, or any other Asian products or concepts and will have to educate myself first.

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

@MW in Iowa wrote:

even uses the neutrogena retinol cream ? It may be a really good product but i can't see her using this. Her skin looks great but it also looks like it would be sensitive. Same company also has Jennifer Aniston for Aveeno. I know it is about money, but if i had the amount of money both of them do i would not put my name with something i didn't use.

@MW in Iowa


???    Why are you assuming they don't use the products they endorse?   Just because a woman makes good money doesn't mean she doesn't like bargains.      So what if they have money?    Many started their acting careers having very little money, so they now carefully manage what they do have.   


It's my guess that most of these spokespersons don't sign on the dotted line until they've tried the product, out of curiousity, if nothing else.   Plus, many companies give their paid celebrity spokespersons free product!   What's not to like?


By the way .....   Aveeno and Neutrogena are very good, reasonably priced  products.    

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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

@TY wrote:

You can judge for yourself whether Nicole Kidman has had anything done in this recent article from the U.K. Daily Mail. She looks like she just had a boatload of filler put into her face.



filler but not a freaking face lift, LOL.


Yes, she's overdone it with fillers and botox before.  I don't believe for one second she had a facelift.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Do you think Nicole Kidman

@NativeJax wrote:
I meant "you" figuratively....



Got it! Smiley Happy

