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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

I do, for sure. 

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

I over collect and then I wonder what I was thinking having a stash THAT BIG.

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

No stashes. I have short wash & go hair. I usually blow it dry but if my dryer broke I could be fine without it as my very fine hair dries quickly on its own.

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

Yes!! I have backups for the backups!!

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

The one item I always make sure I have stocked is WEN.  I would be miserable if I had to wash my hair with something else.  WEN has made all the difference in the world with my thick hair.

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

Yes, I do. My favorite thing to do is to buy multi-packs of this and that, especially when a discount is offered with those kinds of purchases... for example vitamin supplements. I usually stock up when things go on sale and free shipping is offered...woot-woot!Woman Very Happy

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

I try to have overlap, but not multiple backups. But I also tend to buy large sizes, so like the 300 count of generic Claritin, for example. Once I'm more than halfway through, I start looking around for deals to get the next one.


Especially for cosmetics, I don't keep a big stash because I don't enjoy opening a bottle or jar of whatever, knowing I've had it sitting around for over a year. Though I know it's been preserved well and has a long shelf life, part of me keeps feeling like the oil can't be as good and the actives can't be as active anymore. I'm less excited and happy to crack it open.


Plus, in the past I've had to miss out on good deals because I still needed to get through my older product. My thrifty side was not pleased.


And it's really not fun when you still have a full bottle of an old product, and a new and improved version comes out and you have to decide. When I find myself considering using a $100 lotion on my feet in order to justify buying new, that's when I know it's time to turn off the tv and spend more time outside.

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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

I HOARD back-ups of key beauty items!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

Yes!! I have backups for the backups!!

@NicksmomESQ...ATTA’ GIRL!!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: Do you keep back ups of key items?

I always have backups of my makeup because I can't stand to not have what I need. A lot of times I don't have time to go to the store between working.