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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

Yes!  Mom used Dippity-Do on our pin curls and bangs when she would wash our hair on Saturday nights before church on Sunday.  I can still smell it.  

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

Not that product but my main styling must-have in the 80’s was good ole’ Aqua Net hairspray. I would get my annual perm and then fluff up my bangs sky high and spray so much hairspray it wouldn’t move. Looking back now I think, “HIDEOUS!” I guess lots of girls were sporting that look back then, though. Lol!!
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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

@BunSnoop wrote:

I was thinking back about some things from my childhood and remembered my mom setting my hair.  My hair would be wet, she would put this on the hair, roll it in rollers and either have me sit under the hair dryer to dry my hair or go to bed and TRY to sleep with the rollers covering my whole head.   Oh my....the good old days!!   :-)



Sunday Bulletin Board: Desperate times call for desperate measures — or:  The “hair-care crisis” of 2020! – Twin Cities

@BunSnoop   Not only do I remember this stuff, I can still smell it! I have very thick wavy hair. As a child, my mother used Dippity do on me to try and control my wild hair. She would brush my hair into a ponytail, dip a comb into the green Dippity do, then comb it through my hair, and finally attach a ponytail band. (The kind with the big "marbles").  At the end of the day, I would take off the ponytail holder, and my hair wouldn't come down because of all that Dippity do 😄. It was like wearing a clear cement hat. Ah, the memories......

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

@ManyMeows wrote:

🤕  How many of you lovely ladies out there were the unfortunate victims of Lilt and Toni home perms?

Unfortunate victim says it all! My mother and grandmother, both who could not do their own hair, gave me many home perms.  I looked like a frizzball!

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

This whole thread is making me laugh! I did it all.....dippity do, home perms, sleeping in rollers, crunchy curls, etc. it's funny....I just recently bought some Paul Mitchell hair gel (in a bottle with a pump) and I believe it's just a modern version of the pink dippity do! I actually had that very thought when I bought it. It's a great product...just like dippity do! LOL!

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

Born in mom kept my hair in a pixie until I hit Junior High because I was so "tender-headed". Couldn't stand to have her brush/comb it to get out tangles.


Then I started wearing my hair in a "bob" and used Dippiity-Do along with the pink foam rollers that had the foldover clip. They left a dent in my hair, but they were the only kind I could sleep on.


Thankfully, by high school, just about all of us were wearing our hair long, and parted in the middle---and my hair stayed in this style intil I was nearly 30. It didn't require styling products or much time to do.



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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@ManyMeows wrote:

🤕  How many of you lovely ladies out there were the unfortunate victims of Lilt and Toni home perms?


They smelled so bad. 

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

That green Dippity Do was a must for my thick, coarse hair. It worked to tame and curl. We started using frozen orange juice cans to get looser curls. The roller manufacturers took the idea and kept introducing larger and larger rollers. Put some Dippity Do with those huge rollers and hair was smooth and straighter.

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

@BunSnoop  - My mom used Dippy Do and I remember, as a child, using it in my doll's hair.  Good memories.

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Re: Do You Remember This Hair Product?

@ManyMeows ............Me! before school started mom gave me a Lilt home perm every year through 6th grade.