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Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

My skin is more sensitive since I started using retin a. Does anyone else exfoliate and if so, what do you use? Thanks
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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

I use Retin-A a couple times a week, try to anyway but sometime forget. I also exfoliate a 2-3 times a week. I like either Cure Natural Aqua Gel or Missha Super Aqua Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling (yes I know it sounds like there should be another word, but something gets lost in the translation). Both work similarly and are very gentle. I also like Fleur de Lis Rice & Papaya Enzyme Powder - also very gentle. If you decide to try the FDL, get the vanilla scented. The other versions don't smell very nice.

I don't know how often you're using your Retin-A, but if your skin is too sensitive, you might want to back off and use it less often or maybe use a reduced strenghth. Then gradually adjust to a schedule that suites you.

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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

My dermatologist told me not to use any other chemical or physical exfoliant when I started using Retin-A because Retin-A exfoliates perfectly and enough. I use Retin-A every night.

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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

I still do. I use them on separate days.
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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

I exfoliate only once a week and do not use my Retin A the preceding evening nor the same day that I exfoliate. So I basically use my Retin A 5x a night. Currently, I use Skinn's Dermapeel.

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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

I use a clarisonic, SSC glycolic pads and the occasional scrub or peel. Retin-a does not exfoliate. It increases cell turnover and can increase the need to exfoliate. You need something to break up the dead skin cells and retin-a does not do that. But you don't want to do it to the point where you are irritating your skin. That is why doctors might tell you to back off on any AHA or scrubs.

So to answer your question: IMO, you don't need to exfoliate unless you feel a need to. But take it easy if your skin is sensitive.

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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

Cell turnover involves cell exfoliation which is why many experience peeling and flaking skin. If you find your skin is becoming bothersome from the peeling then you could try using a gentle exfoliation product. JLF mentioned two that she uses and they are both gentle yet very effective. You don't want to use anything harsh as that will just make your skin more sensitive. Many dermatologists do suggest not using any additional exfoliating products but if you find you need something for obvious peeling, or you would just like to use something mild, until you know for sure how your skin is going to handle RA (it can take a few months to fully assess that) just avoid anything aggressive and anything too frequently.
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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

On 9/13/2014 StellaDiva said:

I use a clarisonic, SSC glycolic pads and the occasional scrub or peel. Retin-a does not exfoliate. It increases cell turnover and can increase the need to exfoliate. You need something to break up the dead skin cells and retin-a does not do that. But you don't want to do it to the point where you are irritating your skin. That is why doctors might tell you to back off on any AHA or scrubs.

So to answer your question: IMO, you don't need to exfoliate unless you feel a need to. But take it easy if your skin is sensitive.

That was my understanding as well, StellaDiva. But as you say, if skin is irritated, it might be a good idea to take it easy with the Retin-a or the exfoliation or both.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

I have tough skin!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} I use Retin-A every night, and I exfoliate every morning before makeup with Alpha Hydrox 12% glycolic acid. I have been using both for some time so my skin has adjusted, but my skin, even in the beginning, has never been irritated with either one.

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Re: Do I need to exfoliate if I'm using Retin A?

On 9/13/2014 suzyQ3 said:
On 9/13/2014 StellaDiva said:

I use a clarisonic, SSC glycolic pads and the occasional scrub or peel. Retin-a does not exfoliate. It increases cell turnover and can increase the need to exfoliate. You need something to break up the dead skin cells and retin-a does not do that. But you don't want to do it to the point where you are irritating your skin. That is why doctors might tell you to back off on any AHA or scrubs.

So to answer your question: IMO, you don't need to exfoliate unless you feel a need to. But take it easy if your skin is sensitive.

That was my understanding as well, StellaDiva. But as you say, if skin is irritated, it might be a good idea to take it easy with the Retin-a or the exfoliation or both.

Yes, this is what my understanding is, too. I use Retin-A every other night and exfoliate on the nights off. I am oily and acne-prone so I definitely need fairly frequent exfoliation.