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Just saw Dmitry on Amy Morrison's Beauty Report show and he mentioned he didn't have any makeup on.  I think he looks a lot better that way and with the toussled hair. 

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

He did look very good late last night. 

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

I've always like Dimitri. I used to buy his stuff years ago and loved it. He had a cleanser if I'm remembering right that was called a marshmallow cleanser. Boy that was a long time ago. I'd like to see his fresh look. Can I go look? He has always seemed like a sincere person to me.
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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

@Midmod , go look at the Skinn Weekly Deal Drop.  The video was from this morning because he mentions he was on with Amy last night, but he also says he has no makeup on.  I think he looks very nice.

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

Great! I think he looks great for his age as well. Clean living!
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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

I thought I heard him say one time that he smokes.

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

@Midmod   It's called plastic surgery, and he's had plenty of it. He may be a nice guy, but he needs to stop with the surgeries and then saying he looks the way he does because of his skin care products. it's insulting our intelligence. 

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

@KittySoftPaws wrote:

@Midmod   It's called plastic surgery, and he's had plenty of it. He may be a nice guy, but he needs to stop with the surgeries and then saying he looks the way he does because of his skin care products. it's insulting our intelligence. 




He said on-air recently that he has not had surgery done to his face. He even showed the sides of his face where one would normally see where a face-lift had been done and he didn't have any signs of it. Probably fillers or maybe implants.

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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

I do prefer that look though. I can't imagine how his face is that sculpted at his age without some help.
I don't buy his products anyway but I like watching him present from time to time. I did buy his manuka oil a while back but I won't repurchase. The jar was listed as 1 oz but it seemed half that size. I think I can buy serums from Kbeauty or the ordinary just as good at 1/2 the $.
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Re: Dmitry on HSN Beauty Report

@SilleeMee  Either way doesn't matter, he has gone overboard with whatever he is doing. It's a shame too because he is/was a nice looking guy. I don't fault anyone who wants to do surgery or fillers etc, but it seems that some just get obsessed with it and take it too far. What happens is they end up ruining their face with the constant plumping and stretching of the skin over so that at some point it's unable to recover, become loose and will look worse than before. There's something to be said for ageing gracefully.