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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

Straight hair follicles produce straight hair and flat hair follicles produce curly hair.  As some people age, their hair follicles begin to flatten which causes wavy or curly hair. No one know why this happens, but it doesn't happen to everyone.


My hair has always been poker straight, silky, fine and really oily.  Now I am older with salt and pepper colored hair..more salt than pepper and nothing has changed, except the color.   My gray/ white hair is still the same texture as it was when I was younger.

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

Yes, my hair went from just a wave here and there to curly when I turned completely gray.  I use Shiny Silver Shampoo to keep the yellow out, and when I "go out" I use Ion Curly Hair Shampoo, and styling gel.

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

@Grouchomarx wrote:

I grew up with stick straight hair. Started perming in high school, in college wanted straight hair and started blowing out the perm straight. Fast forward to late twenties and it was permanently curly, wavy. Fast forward to 49, my hair is curlier than ever but I don't like it. It's not a pretty curl, think a bad perm from the 80's. Also the curl is uneven. Much more tightly curly in the back, and a part of the front can barely be made to look like it matches. I tried a million products to enhance the curls but nothing produces a result I find attractive, so I just keep blowing it out.  I wish I had naturally straight hair!

@Grouchomarx   This is pretty much how I feel about it now, IF it was full on curly I would embrace it but it's a super nice / pretty curl in the back, the sides are like barely wavy but only under the super straight hair, it's like a mixed bag right know. I have been home more due to the pandemic and went from washing daily to maybe 3 times a week at most, I almost wonder if my routine has something to do with it. I normally blow dry straight (beause my hair normally is/was totally stick straight) then add soft curls but now I can't get that back to be straight at all (I don't want to flat iron and curl.... ugh) so I put curls in the front but the back doesn't "match" the front/sides whatever you want to call it. I just wish it would pick what it's wants to do, be straight or be curl, you can't be both LOL Darn it!

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

This happened to me post-menopause when I was in my 60s. The right side and the back on the right side is now curly/wavy/frizzy. The left side and the top (bangs) are straight as a stick. Before this, my hair was straight all over....I assume it's hormones that causes this to happen, but it becomes a real challenge dealing with 1/2 straight and 1/2 curly and in some areas frizzy. And it's an even greater challenge for my hair stylist to cut it!

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

One side of my hair has a definite wave to it.  Unfortunately, the other side is still stick straight.  LOL 

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

No - my hair has always been wavy/light curls.  


When I was coloring it - it seemed to be less wavy - but when I stopped last year - the waves/curls are back.


I'm liking my natural hair.

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

@ALRATIBA wrote:

No - my hair has always been wavy/light curls.  


When I was coloring it - it seemed to be less wavy - but when I stopped last year - the waves/curls are back.


I'm liking my natural hair.

@ALRATIBA  That is so great, glad you are going natural, I bet wth less chemical stuff on it the natural wave is coming back.

I think I need to buy a diffuser and a product that encourages curls, each time I blow it dry I am amazed by the curl but can't scrunch with my traditional nozzle blow dryer the power just blows it's straight

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

Nope, it has always been baby fine and poker straight. Nothing has changed, except maybe a it's a little thinner overall.

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

I had straight hair until I hit puberty...about 11yrs old....over night...woke up with frizzy super curly hair LOL!  Just in time to begin middle schoolWoman Surprised


SO I got a hair dryer and did my best to beat it down some LOL!


Been doing that for decades now....but since I turned 40 the lower back area around the nape of my neck is a light wave.  Then as the yrs went by...more of the back of my head did the same.  The side and top are still super curly so I still beat it down with a hair dryer.  


For me hormones caused the 1st change and I suspect hormones caused this present uneven state of wave and super curly hair.  Since I am in my 50's now I am thinking this is probably how it will be unless it begins falling out or thinning.  I hope not I'll take any kind of hair over that Woman Very Happy  But wigs look so good on so many women....I even ordered one from Q cause I wanted that hip modern stylish cut that my hair type will NEVER looked ridiculous on me!


So ya....your not alone....hormones and aging and seasons of life can and does cause hair changes for some of us.

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Re: Did your hair go from straight to somewhat curly during peri / menopause?

I'm glad I saw this post. I thought it was just me.

I'm 69 and up until about 8 years ago my hair has always been straight as a board. then I started noticing a few waves in the under layers at the back of my head. now I have a lot of waves, thankfully only in the back and under layers of thick straight hair. but now I have to use a flat iron to make that part of my hair match the rest of it, otherwise the wavy part makes my hair look "lumpy" in the back. Smiley Happy

oh well, it's just a minor irritation. I know there are worse problems to have.


“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich