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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

On 2/11/2015 chrystaltree said:

My childhood was a charm school. I grew up in an extended family with a grandmother, mother, aunts who were all sophisticated, stylish women who believed in doing things properly. My mother's family was once quite well to do and while the money and mansions were long gone by the time they married; they continued the lifestyle. As best they could. So manners and learning how to do things "properly" were a way of life for us.

Am I the only one who found this hilarious?

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

sfnative, et. al., I think you are very fortunate to have had that experience! I never had much of anything in the "charm" arena growing up. I just hope that I am making up for it presently.

Love reading these!

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

On 2/11/2015 AuntG said:
On 2/11/2015 chrystaltree said:

My childhood was a charm school. I grew up in an extended family with a grandmother, mother, aunts who were all sophisticated, stylish women who believed in doing things properly. My mother's family was once quite well to do and while the money and mansions were long gone by the time they married; they continued the lifestyle. As best they could. So manners and learning how to do things "properly" were a way of life for us.

Am I the only one who found this hilarious?

I didn't find it hilarious, I found it charming and heartfelt.

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

On 2/11/2015 So Happy Girl said:
On 2/11/2015 AuntG said:
On 2/11/2015 chrystaltree said:

My childhood was a charm school. I grew up in an extended family with a grandmother, mother, aunts who were all sophisticated, stylish women who believed in doing things properly. My mother's family was once quite well to do and while the money and mansions were long gone by the time they married; they continued the lifestyle. As best they could. So manners and learning how to do things "properly" were a way of life for us.

Am I the only one who found this hilarious?

I didn't find it hilarious, I found it charming and heartfelt.

No, I don't see anything funny about it, at all. She is sharing her experience with all of us.

My parents raised my sister and I to have manners from a very young age, and my Great-Grammas were still around back then when I was younger, too.

Back then, it was not at all uncommon for my other family members to "step in" and verbally discipline us if were were doing something wrong.

My Grammas were very lady-like, and they expected that behavior from us, too.

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

On 2/11/2015 WSfan said:
On 2/11/2015 FlyersGirl said:

Yes. Sears School for Young Charmers, back in the late 60s, at the Abington PA store. I still have, somewhere, buried in my basement (why???? lol), the 3 ring binder with all of the information covered at the weekly sessions. Like you, SF, we did walking/sitting/posture, speech, hair, makeup, fashion, manners, exercise etc. Loved it. Helped mold me into the fashionista/diva that I am today. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}


Yes. I did the same thing! I think I received it as a gift from my grandmother. I attended in the early '70's. The final day, we had to pick out one of our own outfits from home and model it. Can't say that I'm a fashionista or a diva, but it was informative to me, as a young teen.

My BFF and I attended the Strawbridge & Clothier Charm School in Jenkintown PA. We went every Saturday and LOVED IT!!! I remember it as a great experience. They taught us how to walk, sit, speak, beauty tips, .....It definitely made my 12th year of life memorable.

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

Not charm school, but did go to ballroom was quite "exclusive" as one had to be invited to the classes!! My mother was pretty much a stickler for table manners...she was brought up on a farm with a bunch of brothers and I'm not sure if she was taught her manners by my grandma, or if she learned on her own (although I think all my uncles were pretty gentlemanly)

I taught our son to have good table manners as well and he has thanked me for it!

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

What a fun question. Yes, I went to charm school. Not only that, but I was "gracious living" chairman in my college sorority. . lol. . I gave etiquette lessons at Monday night meeting. One night I did a presentation about how to get in the back seat of a car while wearing a mini skirt. I'm definitely dating myself.Smile

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft
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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

I went to Catholic school and the girls were taught all the social manners, how to walk, sit up straight and how to introduce someone.

We even learned how to set a proper table and how to choose dinnerware...the cofee cup should be the same shape has the choosen water goblet, etc.

We did have Barbizon Charm School locally and my mother used to threaten to send me there when I didn't mind my manners.

My maternal grandmother was very proper. When she would visit we were not allowed to put the milk carton on the went into a pitcher, bread always went into a basket, jelly in a jelly bowl. My mother was raised this way, but didn't live like this in our home. My mother put the kettle on the table.

I put the kettle on the table too, unless compay's a 'comin.

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

No, I never went to anything like that, but boy, I wish I had. It sounds like so much fun!!Although, since I was painfully shy at that age, I probably would have hated it at the time!

I guess I learned basic manners from mom, but definitely could have used more training in social graces and conversation skills!! But lessons in skincare, hair-care, and makeup.....Woweee!! I'd love to get one of those binders/books you're all talking about!

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Re: Did you go to Charm School?

There was a very famous secretarial school, Katherine Gibbs. Students were taught secretarial skills, etiquette,& grooming. Graduates were sought after.

It occurs to me that this kind of training might not be a bad idea today, maybe without the white gloves and hats.

There's a wonderful documentary, "Mad, Hot Ballroom", about kids in NYC public schools learning dancing and so much more. These 5th graders, some from very bad circumstances, become ladies and gentlemen.

Charm schools may seem archaic but those skills can mean the difference in getting a job, getting into college, and just getting along in our world.