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@Texasmouse ooooh good to know, I'm same age. How did you go about it...dermatologist? I don't really have a regular one, but definitely can get one.. I think I can even ask my gyno, because at one point her practice had people that did some non-invasive treatments. Not sure they still do. Anyway, not sure where/how to start. Good to know you've seen results!


I just suddenly feel, in these past two, stressful, sad, weird years..personal changes, loss...I feel like I look in the mirror and did I age 10 years in 2?! I swear, I used to tell my beautiful 91 y.o. mom, "I'm aging faster than you, one day you'll look younger than me!" lol. Darn if I didn't get more of my dad's side mom's side had the longevity and great aging genes. She was a beauty to the end. ❤️


I mean I'm not awful but I just see such a difference suddenly. I'm sure someone out there is thinking...yea, it's called "aging", happens to all of us. I just wanted to continue doing it gracefully. Smiley Happy

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[ Edited ]

@amyb wrote:

@Texasmouse ooooh good to know, I'm same age. How did you go about it...dermatologist? I don't really have a regular one, but definitely can get one.. I think I can even ask my gyno, because at one point her practice had people that did some non-invasive treatments. Not sure they still do. Anyway, not sure where/how to start. Good to know you've seen results!


I just suddenly feel, in these past two, stressful, sad, weird years..personal changes, loss...I feel like I look in the mirror and did I age 10 years in 2?! I swear, I used to tell my beautiful 91 y.o. mom, "I'm aging faster than you, one day you'll look younger than me!" lol. Darn if I didn't get more of my dad's side mom's side had the longevity and great aging genes. She was a beauty to the end. ❤️


I mean I'm not awful but I just see such a difference suddenly. I'm sure someone out there is thinking...yea, it's called "aging", happens to all of us. I just wanted to continue doing it gracefully. Smiley Happy

@amyb I went to a dermatologist and started on the lowest strength, slowly building up to using it every night, then bumped up to the next strength and doing the same thing and now I'm using the strongest strength every night. 


In full disclosure, I also started HRT about six months ago because after I hit menopause, I aged 10 years in 5 and I know that loss of estrogen had a lot to do with it.  After finding gynecologist Barbie Taylor on YouTube and watching some of her videos,  I knew it was something I wanted to try.


Thankfully,  my gynecologist agreed to let me try it and now I feel I'm doing everything I can, short of surgical intervention, to build back some collagen and try to age as gracefully as I can.


Good luck!

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Posts: 12,513
Registered: ‎05-18-2017

@amyb  - you can try Curology online.  They are online derms that will prescribe you the tretinoin and add other ingredients that you may need - such as for pigmentation, etc.  It's 25.00 for a supply which is not bad at all.  If I didn't get my script from my doc, I would use them.

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Oral Collagen is also helpful.




Is much better at explaining than I am, because she understands the workings.  Maybe after the Holidays she will speak about it a bit here.


After seeing the help I had with it, DH started taking it too.  We order ours from COSTCO.



"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

@Drythe wrote:



Oral Collagen is also helpful.




Is much better at explaining than I am, because she understands the workings.  Maybe after the Holidays she will speak about it a bit here.


After seeing the help I had with it, DH started taking it too.  We order ours from COSTCO.









For me collagen supps have left me wondering if they actually do anything for my skin. If it is then that must be very minimal b/c I don't see any real noticeable changes. Collagen supps are simply made up of short chains of specific amino acids which all get broken apart in the gut. Hydrolyzed collagen is the form most easily digested. Their breakdown in the gut varies from person to person. So the bioavailablity of the amino acids will vary also.

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Posts: 13,775
Registered: ‎07-09-2011

@SilleeMee wrote:

@Drythe wrote:



Oral Collagen is also helpful.




Is much better at explaining than I am, because she understands the workings.  Maybe after the Holidays she will speak about it a bit here.


After seeing the help I had with it, DH started taking it too.  We order ours from COSTCO.









For me collagen supps have left me wondering if they actually do anything for my skin. If it is then that must be very minimal b/c I don't see any real noticeable changes. Collagen supps are simply made up of short chains of specific amino acids which all get broken apart in the gut. Hydrolyzed collagen is the form most easily digested. Their breakdown in the gut varies from person to person. So the bioavailablity of the amino acids will vary also.

@SilleeMee   @Texasmouse 


You are on spot as to how individualized our reactions can be.  I have been taking Verisol Collagen for at least 18 months.  As you say, Rarely do I know what, if anything, a supplement may do for me.  🙂.

     However, sometime after starting, I noted that my nails had gotten very strong, not something I had anticipated.  A bit later DH's nails started to peel and break into the quick.  He asked if the collagen would help?  Three months later, we knew it did.

     Then, a few weeks ago my stylist told me that my hair grows very quickly.  He wanted to see how much it grows every 2 months, and put a small color marker on it, next month or so, he is going to measure.

     Finally, though I have no actual measure, the vertical lines from my nose to lip, which have just recently made an appearance, are

much less notable.  I'm going to keep taking the collagen.


Sorry, it was not helpful to you.  I always enjoy your posts, and appreciate your advice. 😊

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras